Chapter 18: Jealousy

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I bit my lip as I stared at my clone in the mirror. My ebony hair hanging over my embarrassing green eyes. The eyes that almost glowed in colour because they were so bright. My irises were a strange colour and I was ashamed of them. They were weird looking. Thats what I always thought. They either enchanted people or weirded strangers out.

I looked stupid. Mitsuba was right. The crown on my head with the star pendants made me look absolutely ridiculous. It was part of this cafe's uniform, though. And at first, I thought it looked cute on me, but after what Mitsuba said, I felt the complete opposite.

As my hand grasped the door handle, I felt my body tremble a bit. In shameful embarrassment. Mitsuba, that stupid bitch. She didnt have to embarrass me like that. It took me awhile to scavenger any confidence that I had left before I stomped out of that bathroom stall.

I felt dreadful as I dragged my legs back to Mitsuba's table that she shared with the ashy grey haired boy that was actually pretty hot. But he called me gross, so he's an asshole and I found myself disliking him because of that reason.

When I spotted the table in the distance I was overjoyed to not see a head of yellow hair. Her friend was still sitting there though, and my heart leaped in embarrassment.

"What would you like to drink?" I stumbled on my words a bit but still tried to look confident with my head raised high. I tensed up as his purple eyes met mine while I was playing with the fabric of my ruffly apron in anxiousness.

He licked his lips before speaking. "I'd like some iced coffee and Mitsuba would probably like an Earl Grey tea." He said calmly looking me straight in the eyes in a gentle and soft way.

Why wasn't he acting the way he was when Mitsuba was around? Why isn't he being rude and obnoxious to me?

"Okay." I whispered unsteadily as I wrote the order down on a notepad. I simultaneously turned around and was relieved to get away from that weird man.

I was stopped in my path as I felt his hand capture my wrist. My eyes widened and I slowly turned around to see his grey tresses covering his face that was tilted downwards in a shameful way.

"Im sorry about being rude. And I apologize on Mitsuba's behalf also. I didn't mean it and I actually thought you were really cute." Pink tinted his cheeks.

"What's your name?" I asked, a blush appearing on my face also. What can I say? Im flattered.

"Haruki." He answered shyly. "And you are Yuichiro from what Mitsuba called you." A smile graced his lips. Soon he realized he was still holding my wrist and let go immediately as his face contorted to one in disgust.

"Thats it, can you leave now?" He snarled at me as his eyes turned hard. I was super confused until I saw another set of purple eyes, these ones belonging to Mitsuba. I grimaced.

"Yuichiro stop harassing my friend or I'll tell your manager how sucky of a waiter you are." She rolled her eyes.

"Yuichiro! We need you to sit this customer please. He's been waiting for awhile." My coworker shouted from across the restaurant.

I speed-walked to the front only to see Mikaela giving me a hard glare. I soon felt insecure that he was seeing me work in such a place.

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