✺SEQUEL: Part (III) [m]

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Revenge at the Gay Bar 🌈


I was curled up tightly in a ball, my knees to my chest as I choked on sobs. Our chauffeur was really concerned about my health because apparently; I sounded like I was dying and he offered to take me to the hospital.

We took a cab home only because we consumed some alcohol beforehand. Asuramaru's arms were wrapped around my body as he lifted me and walked us into the palace. I was currently still trying to cope with my broken heart and he was kind enough to help me through it.

I felt my body land on a cold, leather couch as he tossed me onto it. I curled up into a ball once again. "Anastasia! Where are you?! Your son is being the biggest crybaby ever. Can you please stop him from crying? I have a headache now." Asuramaru groaned in distress as I felt a warm blanket get wrapped around my body.

Anastasia yelled a loud, "What?!" Before running down the stairs, Krul and Ferid following in pursuit. Anastasia gaped at my terrible state before making her way to sit beside me. She tried talking to me but all that would come out of my mouth were muffled sobs and wavered panting.

"Here." I looked up to see Asuramaru rolling his eyes at me as he handed me a steaming mug of tea. When I made no move to grab it, he huffed. "Well?! Drink it, it will help you idiot." I carefully grabbed the handle of the mug from Asuramaru and sipped on the hot drink. My tastebuds recognized the familiar taste of camomile tea; A tea that helped with anxiety and was made to make you feel more relaxed. "Thank you." I whispered and sniffled.

"You're welcome." He smiled a sarcastic smile at Anastasia. "Good-luck with him. Yuichiro is totally emotionally stable at the moment. He's not crazy at all, I promise." Asuramaru smoothed out his jeans.

My mother laughed. Her laugh was so beautiful, and even though I was in a heartbroken state, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her laughing. "I'm sure I'll be fine. Thanks for the warning, Asura." She told him. Anastasia grabbed my shoulders and stared me in the eye. "So? What happened?"

I looked down to my palms as a frown settled it's way onto my face. "I saw Mikaela..." More tears formed in my eyes as I cut my sentence short, not wanting to say the rest. Saying it out loud would mean that I would have to accept it. I did not want to.

"Okay. But, why the fuck are you crying over that? You'd have to have seen him eventually." Anastasia let out a sigh. "I love you, but you're being-"

"I saw him k-kissing another m-man..." By now, I was full out bawling for the fiftieth time today. Anastasia's eyes burned holes into Krul and Ferid who were still standing on the stairs and watching us. "No one wanted to tell me this valuable information?" She raised one of her eyebrows at them. Ferid's grin widened.

"GOTTA BLAST!" Ferid yelled as he took Krul's hand against her will, and ran the both of them up the stairs. Anastasia rolled her eyes. "I will have to talk to those two later." She said calmly.

Anastasia just stared at me and watched me cry for a few minutes. She handed me the mug of tea to sip on before saying, "Who are you?" I gave her a confused look. "What?" I asked as I set the mug back onto the table.

"I said, Who. Are. You?" She repeated slowly. I glared at her, "Anastasia, you're not helping, I don't understand what-"

"The Yuichiro I know is hard-headed, stubborn, full of anger, reckless, strong and is a fighter. He isn't some pathetic boy who cries his eyes out and tries to kill himself because of some boy. Where is my Yuichiro and what have you done to him?"

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