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A/N: There is gore, violence& mass murder in this chapter, uhh, read at your own risk.

SEQUEL: Chapter 7:
My Other Lover


A woman was standing in front of a mirror, using a comb to wrestle through the tangles that were in her long, ebony coloured hair; It cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall made of tar.

People always bothered her just to know her hair secrets. They wanted to know how she kept her hair so rich and beautiful all the time. She didn't really have a trick, she just always brushed it whenever she had the chance to; It was pretty much second nature to her by this point.

Her body tensed up as she felt small arms enveloping around her waist. She didn't even have to look at the person to know who they were. She could tell by the way the other woman's rangy fingers caressed and tapped onto her midriff.

In the reflection of the mirror, Anastasia could see a piece of bubblegum pink hair— Proving the fact that the person that was standing behind her was indeed, Krul Tepes.

Krul's lips touched onto Anastasia's nape in a gentle way. Her lip's barely touched, yet Krul smiled in satisfaction as she noticed the forming goosebumps on Anastasia's neck. "I'm sorry." Krul whispered lovingly into Anastasia's ear, her arms squeezing tighter at the latter's hips.

Anastasia looked down at Krul's face that was resting on her shoulder. She could hear her own heart palpitation in her mind as she stared at Krul's sharp yet childish-looking facial features. The face which she started to adore quite dearly. Krul was comforting and always knew what to say to make Anastasia feel better.

Krul felt her body twirling around before her face was shoved against Anastasia's chest; One of Anastasia's hands resting on the back of Krul's neck while the other hand was wrapped around Krul's head.

"There's no need for an apology. I just can't believe that Yuichiro saw us kissing." Anastasia buried her face into the shorter girl's hair. "You smell lovely as always." She complimented Krul.

Ferid Bathory stared at the sight in front of him with a small, genuine smile on his lips. He just watched as the two ladies flirted heavily with each other. After about a minute, Krul noticed Ferid's presence. "What are you staring at us for?" The pink haired girl yelled at Ferid.

    The smile wiped off of Ferid's lips as soon as the two women turned around, a smirk replacing it. "You know I get quite lonely living here sometimes." Ferid sighed dramatically as his ruby earrings dangled.

    "Then move out." Krul told him bluntly. "Or go hookup with my brother! I think that you and Asuramaru would get along exceptionally well since you're both perverts after all!"

     Ferid's burgundy eyes stared down at the carpeted floors. "You know I can't do that. Mikaela is my adopted son and it is under a contract. I know that you couldn't raise him by yourself. That kid is too much trouble." Ferid grinned, "— And, Asuramaru started following Lacus and Renè around anyway."

Anastasia grabbed Krul's hand and started to massage it. "So Ferid." Anastasia retorted, "What are you doing in my room?"

"I have some bad news... Yuichiro is in prison for being accused of rape... Oh and also the officer told me over the phone that Yuichiro is going to be executed for being a Vampire." Ferid ran his hand through his silver hair stressfully. "How do they even know about us vampires? We need to contact Lest Karr just in case a war breaks out. Germany has one of the best vampire army forces."

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