(EXTRA): Valentine's Day

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Yuichiro was currently in Seraph, gazing at the bright yellow orphanage house that Mikaela built a couple years ago. He tried his best to visit at least once a month, but it was hard to find the time. Especially since there was a Vampire vs. Human war still going on. Mikaela built a whole safety system so none of the kids would get hurt.

   His fingers typed the code into the defensive armour of the house before it opened, allowing Yuichiro to walk in. The outside part was very beautiful. He noticed a large vegetable garden in the corner while petunias were growing on the other side.

  "Yuu!" Fumie yelled as she jumped onto Yuichiro, hugging him tightly. "Welcome home! We've missed you. I've got to tell the others!"

   Yuichiro chuckled and ran his finger over the braid in her hair. "Your hair looks cute, who did it?"

   A blush was on her cheeks as she played with her hands. "Ako did. We are in deep love with each other. We even had se-"

   Yuichiro covered her mouth. "You two may be teenagers now but remember there's still little kids around. Don't be saying words like that so loudly." He laughed as Fumie nodded and lead him into the orphanage house.

  "Hello Sayuri. How are the kids doing?" Yuichiro bowed to one of the 'Mothers' of the house who smiled back.

  "Everything's been good. Mito is also very good to the children. Sometimes there's too many kids to handle, but that's why Shinya and Guren help out like three times a week. Shinya planned it and forced Guren along and surprisingly, he is very good with children. I think they're planning on adopting soon."

   Guren. The Guren that Yuichiro knew had sex with him when he was drunk. Although, with Shinya, nothing could go wrong. When Shinya taught in Krul Academy, he was like an angel sent from heaven. He never lost his temper and he was always super sweet to everybody. Everybody admired him.

  "That's good." Yuichiro grinned as he took Sayuri's hand and planted a kiss onto it. "Happy Valentine's day. You look as gorgeous as always."

   Sayuri blushed. "My, oh my. You're as charming as always, Yuichiro. Mito would be jealous~ She's out getting groceries right now. But, would you like to start the activity with the children right now?"

   Yuichiro raised the pink bag that he was holding onto and gave her a nod. "Yep. I've got some lollipops and crafting supplies for the kid's to make Valentine's day cards."


   When Yuichiro entered the room, he was bombarded with children. "Hi Susie, Blare, Ako, Taichi–" He said every single children's name as he excitedly placed the bag onto the table.

  "Happy Valentine's Day! I've brought you all some chocolate kisses and gummy hearts, because you're all my Valentine." Yuichiro smiled as he plopped a bowl onto a table before dumping the bag of chocolate into it along with some gummy hearts.

   The kids each grabbed a handful and giggled out, "Thank you big brother Yuu!"

   He then took out all of the craft supplies. Like paper, felt, safety scissors, tape, pompoms, glue, stickers, markers and lollipops before telling the children to make some Valentine's day cards. The kids started to craft as he played some up-beat pop music which some children sang along to.

  "How many colours do you think is in my hair? I think I have fifty colours!" A little girl asked Yuichiro as she stared at a lock. Her hair was brunette, but Yuichiro assumed she meant shades. "I think that's about right." He laughed as she nodded and started cutting a heart shape from the felt material.

   This went on for about thirty minutes, before Yuichiro's husband came into the room, food stacked in his arms. There were fruits, veggies, pastries, breads, meats and juice.

   Mikaela organized the food onto the table, putting paper plates, cups and cutlery on the side. "It's time for lunch. Eat up!" He said.

  "Thank you big brother Mikaela!" The children yelled before lining up to get some food.

   Mikaela grinned before making his way over to Yuichiro, hugging him while resting his head on the latter's chest. "Hey princess."

   Yuichiro hugged back and smiled into Mika's hair. "Hi baby. Are we still on for tonight?"

   Mikaela laughed as a smirk plastered onto his lips. He squeezed at Yuichiro's hips as he whispered, "You know I am."

   Mito, who had just returned from the grocery store, crossed her arms as she watched the couple. "Not in here guys. There are children." She scolded as she saw the way Mikaela was stroking Yuichiro's thigh. The two stopped and nodded at Mito.


  "You're so good with children. You'll make a good papa Yuu-chan one day." Mikaela wrapped a blanket around his husband. They were spending the night at a hotel in Seraph, giggling at the cheesy, romantic comedies that played on television as 'Valentine's day specials'.

   Yuichiro popped one of the expensive chocolates from the box Mikaela gave him into his mouth. "And you... You already make a great daddy." Yuu-chan leaned in and rubbed his nose against Mikaela's.

   Mikaela scrunched up the fabric of Yuichiro's shirt as he topped him, resting his hand on the side of his lover's head. "Stop tempting me." He growled as he accidentally kicked the chocolate box off of the bed.

  "Awwwee~ those chocolates were very good. Did you really have to kick them off of the bed?"

   Mikaela rolled his eyes as he grabbed onto Yuichiro's wrist and pulled him on top of his lap. "Oh shush. I know you'd like to eat something even better~" Mikaela whispered sexually as he started kissing Yuichiro's shoulder.

"Uh, you mean curry? Curry is so good. Can you make some tomorrow?"

Mikaela stopped kissing Yuichiro's body and stilled for a moment. "I hate you." He let go of his lover before crossing his arms agitatedly.

"Mikaaaa~! Common, you know I'm joking. Continue kissing my neck please, it feels really good." His thumb brushed over Mikaela's puffy lips as he pouted like a puppy, which drove Mikaela crazy.

"Imma beat your ass tonight." Mikaela grunted as he threw off both of their shirts.

"You say it like you never beat my ass, when in reality, you do it every time. I'm getting used to not being able to walk properly, y'know? I'm gonna turn into a grandpa at a young age because of you. It's- AHHHH!" Yuichiro screamed as he felt Mikaela's fingers circulating inside of his anus, rubbing against the fleshy walls and penetrating his prostate.

"You are still as sensitive as ever. I'm going go take you on a wild party of sexual bliss tonight. So prepare yourself, Yuu-chan."

"Oh no, I'm going to get back problems."

(1136 Words)

Happy Valentine's Day.
I love you. ❤️


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