(EXTRA): Smut #1 [m]

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"Yuu-chan!" Growled an angered Mikaela from the kitchen as he stomped over to Yuu-chan. His razor sharp fangs were displayed as he gave his lover an intimidating glare.

Yuichiro smiled innocently as he slipped the television remote under his butt and hugged the pillow he was holding even tighter. "Yes? Do you need something?" He flipped his hair as he stared intensely into Mikaela's flaming orbs, loving the anger he seemed to ignite into them.

"Why did you delete my screen recording of Bob's Burgers? That was a new fucking episode!" Mikaela growled as he topped his Yuu-chan, hand clutching tightly onto the black strands of hair.

The younger moaned blissfully as his body pressed against the older's, loving the way Mikaela's hand tugged at his hair. A smirk creeped onto his lips as he pawed at Mikaela's chest, whimpering and whining, "It was an accident, I'm sowwy."

"ACCIDENT?!" Mikaela raged as he pushed the other further down into the couch, hand pressed way too firmly on the outline of Yuichiro's cock. "How could that be a god damn accident, Yuu-chan?!"

The raven giggled as he rubbed his crotch into Mikaela's hand, feeling good as he thrusted his hips even more firmly into his hand. He kept on doing this while whining and moaning.

"Mika, I feel so lonely! Please corrupt my body!" Yuichiro begged desperately as he tugged his shirt off, pressing Mikaela's hand to his naked torso, "I want to feel your hands touching my skin."

The older clutched roughly onto his lover's hips, making his Yuu-chan shriek from surprise. "Oh, don't you wish? You've been a bad boy, you don't deserve it." Mikaela grunted before getting off of his Yuu-chan and walking into the kitchen.

Mikaela was about to open the pantry door to look for food, when he felt his shirt being tugged. Behind him, he saw a shameful Yuu-chan wearing nothing but his short shorts. "Please..." The younger pleaded desperately with a pout. "I want to be loved by you. I missed having sex with you so much."

Mikaela crossed his arms with a sigh. "Sweetheart, you need to understand that bad boys don't get what they want. You need to be a good baby boy for me in order for that to happen. Why do you keep angering me on purpose?"

Yuichiro stayed silent for a moment as he started to shyly play with his fingers, "W-when Mikaela is angry... I-It is hot." His teeth pricked at his lip as tears started falling from his eyes. "I'm sorry babe, okay? I'm just..." Yuichiro's voice cracked as he felt his body being cradled into Mikaela's arms.

Mikaela patted his baby's head softly, sniffing in the silky scent of Yuichiro's body. His lips grazed his ear, "Are you going to be a good boy for me?" He whispered as he traced his finger along the naked outline of Yuichiro's spine.

Yuichiro melted in the touch, leaning his whole body weight against Mikaela's, "Mhm!" He chirped as the older started to bite and suck on the other's tan flesh, leaving love bites trailing all the way to the waist of his shorts. "Thank you, Mika." He whispered as his arms wrapped around Mikaela's pale neck.

Their lips found each other's as they tenderly kissed, Yuichiro's tippy toes barely touching the ground as Mikaela gripped his waist. Their bodies were hot, stomachs heavy with desire and Yuichiro felt hypnotized with the comforting hands of his lover all over his body.

He felt a large hand creeping down into his underwear, finding his shaft and massaging it. Yuichiro's legs started to buckle and he could barely stand anymore as Mikaela lead him to their couch.

Hovering over Yuu-chan, he continued to kiss him deeply, pulling of his shirt and helping Yuu-chan take off his shorts/underwear.

"Please..." The younger was panting, his red-tinted, nude body spread weakly all over the couch. "I want you."

Mikaela felt his heart pound in his chest as he unzipped his jeans, letting the younger lubricate his dick with the warm saliva that dripped from the younger's pink tongue. "That's it, Yuu-chan. Such a naughty boy."

A thick finger entered Yuichiro's entrance, followed by more as his butt took in his fingers nicely. Then, Mikaela entered slowly before he began to pound into his Yuu-chan, making his thrusts powerful but not overly rough.

"O-oh my god!" Yuichiro whined as he stuck his ass up, feeling his insides being stretched to fit Mikaela's huge member. He felt it hit the right spot countless of times, high pitch squealing leaving his lips as his eyes shut. He felt like his soul had detached from his body, feeling only the bliss of making love with his Mika.

As they both came, Yuichiro couldn't stop huffing and puffing for about nine minutes, making Mikaela laugh at him. He shoved the blond, "Shut up~" He rolled his eyes as Mikaela pouted at him.

"I still don't get to watch my Bob's Burgers." Mikaela frowned as he cleaned the cum off of Yuichiro's body with a wipe. "I'm sad."

"Are you serious!" His Yuu-chan yelled as he hit the older's shoulder. "I could find that episode on some illegal website for you. Sheesh, I didn't know that it was that important to you."

"Don't be so jealous. You know that you're the most important to me." Mikaela snickered as he poked his princess' ribs, "I love you, Yuu-chan~"

(925 Words)

Hope you enjoyed, Bai💗

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