✺SEQUEL: Part (IX) [m]

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SEQUEL: Chapter 9:
Daddy's Princess 🎀

  It was the evening. The sky was a smoky pink and navy blue as the faded moon began to appear more clearly.

A wave of excitement shuddered throughout Yuichiro's body, anticipating for the huge moment about to begin. He adjusted the collar of his fancy, nobleman blouse that had ruffled sleeves the colour of roses.

   When he faced the mirror, a sharp gasp left his mouth. It wasn't only the fact that he looked breathtakingly beautiful, but red, gleaming eyes were now an emerald green colour.

   Teeth grazed his lips as he remembered how he fucked Mikaela about an hour ago. If his eyes had managed to turn back to green after almost three years— This must have been real love.

   This was rare when it came to vampires. Red eyes didn't normally turn back to the colour they used to be unless you were lucky to have the power to change them, or, had fallen in love.

   Vampire's didn't normally fall in love, but this was the Tepes and Eusford families we are talking about. They were famous for being vampires who always managed to fall into love. Apparently, it's a genetic thing. Their emotions were heightened more than any other vampires.

   Yuichiro had missed the way his green eyes sparkled and glowed. They were far more unique and beautiful than the red eyes most vampires had.

  Although, he frowned when he realized that Mikaela's eyes were still red. He missed those familiar cerulean, orbs of oceanic eyes Mika used to possess. Did this mean that Mikaela didn't love him anymore? Perhaps, he was in love with Augustus now...

"He's still in love with Augustus." Yuichiro sniffled, rubbing at his tear filled eyes. However, he didn't notice that he wasn't the only one in the room as he slid down the wall, pulled his knees into his chest, and began to bawl.

He had saved Mikaela from so many bullets a few hours ago, because he realized something. If it hurts both Mikaela and him so much to be apart... Then what's the point? Why would two people want to feel lonely and sad instead of feeling loved by their soulmate?

They loved each other. No matter what. Even when Mikaela cheated on Yuichiro, even when Mikaela looked so happy being with Augustus, despite it all— He was still undyingly in love with his Mika.

Yuichiro was tired of these silly games, so tired of pretending that he isn't in love, so tired with attempting to convince himself that it isn't love but infatuation. He was so sick of it, and he was going to redeem what was rightfully his.

"I love you, Mika..." He whimpered into the silent air, only wishing that he had the courage to say it to Mikaela's pretty face... He bawled even harder, whimpers and ragged breathing filling the air.

When Yuichiro felt a gentle hand play through his hair, he flinched and removed his hands from his eyes. Mikaela was crouched before him, also dressed in an nobleman outfit, his hair in the most kinky of curls. He noticed that Mikaela had one of his ears newly pierced, there was a long, silver earring that fell elegantly like a teardrop.

The blonde was wearing tight, leather jeans that were very snug against his thighs and Yuichiro almost drooled. "M-Mika... Did you hear all of t-that?" The black haired asked shyly, pink-tinted cheeks puffed out in embarrassment.

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