Chapter 21: Please Kiss Me~

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"You know that one time you called me in the middle of the night? Told me to hop on a Taxi and stay at your palace that night?" I had been forgetting to ask Mikaela about this for awhile now.

"Yeah, why..." He looked at his lap.

"Well, I know something was wrong. Why did you really invite us over in the middle of the night?" My head tilted to the side.

Mikaela pursed his lips. "Because he was on his way to kill you."



"Crowley." Mika answered, looking up at me with a flustered face, tears welling up in his eyes. "But, Yuu-chan!"

He leaped over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck while wrapping his legs tightly around my torso. "I WOULD NEVER LET HIM LAY A FINGER ON YOU!" He screamed into my shoulder as I felt his wet tears drip down my neck.

"Mikaela, why are you crying?" I chuckled, sniffing in the fresh smell of his shampoo. "Please don't cry because of me." I grazed his chin making him look at me.

I just noticed that Mikaela's hair was tied up in a bun. A flipping bun. He also framed his face with a few strands and let me tell you, he looked hot as HELL.

With his soft face all red like that, he looked so vulnerable and something wild in me switched on. I tucked one of his stray hairs behind his ear. His eyes widened.

"Mika, your hair looks really gorgeous like that." I smiled in honesty.

"R-really Yuu-chan?" He grinned like a maniac, leaning into me which ended up with me falling onto my back into the bed, him hovering over me. "Well I think you are the beautifulest being in the whole universe." He buried his face into the crevice of my neck while quietly saying those words.

One of his hands snaked around my waist and squeezed at my hip, which caused me to let out a mix of a squeal and a moan. I hid my face from Mikaela out of embarrassment because of the weird noise I let out of my mouth.

He touched his forehead against mine, making heat flow like electricity throughout my body at the touch. "That noise was so fucking beautiful, Yuu." My heart felt as although it was struck by lightning as he let out those words.

I stared into those sapphire blue eyes that were ignited with a passionate blue flame; So much hotter than the simple orange flame. His eyes were like swimming pools full of love, and I felt like I was drowning just by looking at them.

"Mikaela." I purred, licking my lips.

He played with my obsidian tresses, entangling his fingers in the soft strands of my hair. "Yes, Yuu-chan?" He replied.

"Mika." I inhaled loudly. "Please kiss me." I said in a sturdy voice soaked in desperation.

He brushed my hair out of my face with his fingertips. "Anything for you." He whispered before planting his soft lips against mine in a gentle kiss.

The way he kissed me was so tender and loving, and with every movement, my lips tingled. My heart beat was loud as he nibbled my bottom lip, making me let out a purr. I felt his tongue in my mouth and greeted his with mine.

I kissed him back passionately, battling his tongue with mine. Since Mikaela was on top of me, he ended up winning dominance. He tasted a combination of sweet and minty.

The kiss was intoxicating and my stomach went absolutely wild and same with my heart rate. I felt in utter bliss, sharing such an intimate moment with my beloved best friend.

Without realizing it, I grabbed onto the hem of his shirt, yanking it upwards. Mika noticed my struggling and pulled off his shirt in one swift movement, throwing it to the ground. I sat up, tackling him to the bed so I was on top. I was sitting on his torso, my knees bent on either side of him. I proceeded to kiss his neck, sucking and biting his pale ivory skin.

Mikaela was breathing loudly, his face turning a deep red as I continued gnawing at his soft skin. Mikaela let out soft moans and whimpers every time I bruised his flesh and It was driving me insane. He gazed at me the whole time and never looked away. I connected my lips to his once again.

I was so focussed on the kiss that I didn't realize he flipped us over. "Sorry to say this Yuu-chan, but dominance belongs to me. You are mine and only mine and I want to make you feel so much sexual gratification to the point you go crazy." His voice was husky and hella sexy. My core was aching and my mind was begging for Mikaela's touch.

He pinned me to the bed with one of his hands, the other one, ripping my shirt off to reveal my tan flesh. We kissed again, both our torso's touching, warmness was radiating off of his naked skin.

"HOLY GUACAMOLE!" I heard a voice yell from my door and abruptly sat up, covering myself with the blanket.

Mikaela had an irritated expression on his face as he stared at Anastasia with a dirty look. "Did you really have to interrupt us? I was just about to make Yuu-chan go to sensual heaven, but nooooo of course we get interrupted." He rolled his eyes with a sigh, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Mika! Don't be such an asshole to my mother." I scolded him.

"Your moms great, it's just right now shes such a COCKBLOCKER." His voice was dripping in agitation and sass. I giggled.

Anastasia laughed. "Yuichiro, I thought you told me he wasn't your boyfriend, I'm pretty sure friends don't do that kinda stuff... Unless you're a hoe." She wiggled her eyebrows. "And Mikaela I'm not a cockblocker you guys knew dinner would be ready soon, and it is, so go have your cold showers quickly and meet me at the dinner table."

She flipped her hair as she exited, guffawing cheerfully. "My little Yuichiro got a boyfriend!" She sang across the hallway.


"Where's Guren?" I asked Shinoa. He didn't show up at school today, and it was my training day. Guren was supposed to train me to fight vampires like usual, yet he didn't show up.

I wanted to tell him that I wanted to stop our training. Since, well, my family are all vampires and if vampires like Anastasia exist then I really don't find it necessary to fight them. Unless their name is Crowley.

Of course I cant tell Guren about my reasoning, but I would've made up some bullshit excuse.

"He's in the hospital." Shinoa glanced to Mikaela. "I heard Mikaela beat him up. Those were the rumours anyway."

"Why would he do that?" I asked.

"No idea." Shinoa blew her hair out of her face. "Probably because he's crazy."

"Do you believe the rumours?"

"Yes. I expect nothing less from Mikaela. You know, he's been in fights before? He has a pretty aggressive reputation. I heard Shinya had to step in so Guren wouldn't be killed." She glanced at me suspiciously. "Whats with all these questions?"

"I'm just curious."

I couldn't help but wonder... Did Mikaela fight him because Guren and I had oral sex?

If so....

Oh god. He's insane.


(1247 Words) Updated: Friday, August 18th, 2017.


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