•Author's Note•

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Hello ~ 💕

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Hello ~ 💕

If anything confused you in this story, please ask questions!

YAY! So this book is OFFICIALLY completed. & this gives me the feels because I've been writing it since December 31st, 2016.

Oh my gosh, I never thought that I could write a book this long and I wrote a whole sequel too. *is shookith*

I am way too emotionally attached to this book, so I'm sort've sad that it is completed but very relieved at the same time. It was very, very hard work.

I know my writing isn't top notch, but I really did try my best. & I definitely improved a lot after writing this book for over a year. I hope you understand this.

I made this book for fun, because I have a passion for writing. So, I shared it with all of you, my lovely readers who support me. 💗 (OMG ILYSM, LIKE YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND.)

I have contemplated at times if I should delete it because sometimes I'm insecure, but I thought that I should keep it published.

I put way too much effort and work into this to have the heart to take it down. It literally was the centre of my world for a few months.

It's my first book, and as I keep succeeding with writing, I would like to compare on how much I improve in the future.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this cute & angsty book that I made from my own imagination and shared with you😋. I also hope that whoever reads it, had enjoyed it!

I'm not sure if I will ever write a Mikayuu story again in the future... One thing is for sure though, I will keep writing books! Because I love writing so, so, so, SO MUCH, AHH.

I might also publish extra chapters in the future. Like holiday special chapters! (Maybe.)

At the moment I am writing another book, so if you want to you can check it out. (Please don't feel pressured to though 😂💕.) It's a VKOOK Fanfiction.

I think that that's all I wanted to say! Thanks for reading!


"Reunited Love" {MikaYuu} :

Book Start: December 31st, 2016
Book End: February 10th, 2018
*1 year, 1 month and 10 days to complete for both Book (I) and the Sequel*

Word Count (Book 1):
59, 100 Words
Word Count (Sequel):
25, 523 Words
85, 679 Words


~♕ʝєℓℓყ♕ (@emotick )

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~♕ʝєℓℓ (@emotick )

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