Chapter 6: I'm Not Gay

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I ran straight towards the men's bathroom. My sobbing was getting more intense the more I thought about Mikaela kissing that girl. It made me realize that the only person in my life whose cared for me, doesn't anymore. I'm nothing to him. Nothing.

The most I am to him is a good memory. I don't think so, though. I was only a burden to him when we were kids. I was trouble, and he had to take care of me which was a full time job. Especially since he's only a few months older than me, and could barely take care of himself either.

He doesn't love me.

I leaned against the wall of the bathroom for support. My legs felt like they were about to buckle, and they did. I collapsed to the floor and pulled my knees to my chest and sobbed into my hands.

It's hard to explain how it feels. No matter how much you try, sometimes you just can't keep the tears in. You feel like there's a hole in your heart. It's although you can't breath no matter how much oxygen is in your lungs.

I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip to try to stop my crying. But it only made me feel worse. It's so hard to keep the pain inside.

I heard faint footsteps making their way into the bathroom. On instinct, I ran into a stall and tried my best to shut up.

"Yuu-chan..." I heard a shaky whisper. "Come here, please." I recognized the voice immediately. His tone was soft and he sounded like he felt the pain I was feeling.

I rested my head against the stall wall and stayed silent. Maybe he'll go away if I stayed silent.

"Yuu-chan. I said come here, Now!" His voice didn't sound soft anymore. It sounded demanding. Me being the stubborn ass I am, stayed quiet.

"Damn it, Yuu-chan!" He grunted before kicking the stall door open.

I wrapped myself into a ball and buried my head in my knees. I don't want Mikaela to see my tears.

"Yuu-chan? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Mikaela asked. I felt his gaze on me as hot tears trailed down my cheeks.

"Go away, Mika." I whispered, trembling.

"No fucking way am I going to leave you! You're crying!"

I felt hands grip firmly around my waist before I was pulled into a hug. I wrapped my legs around Mika's hips before hugging him back, desperately. Mika sat down on the floor and hugged my hips tightly, which caused excitable pangs to erupt in my stomach.

He buried his head into the crevice of my neck and kissed softly. "What's wrong, baby? Tell me."

I grabbed his shirt in a fistful as I angrily sobbed into his shoulder. "Who the fuck was that blonde haired bitch, huh? Who is she!" I couldn't stop myself as I yelled at him, my face contorted into an angry expression.

"Mitsuba." He quietly answered.

"And she's your... Your girlfriend?!" I scowled at him in disgust.

"You don't understand, Yuu-chan." He stared at me with a worried expression on his face.

"What is there to not understand, Mika? She called you her boyfriend, and you kissed her. You're dating her." I grabbed his arms that were currently around my waist and plucked them off of me.

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