Chapter 32: The Proposal

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It was Saturday. The day Mikaela will take me out on a date! I was blasting some alternative up-beat music in my room while dancing around like a dork. My heart was thumping and I couldn't stop laughing in joy. I was so excited for the date to the point it wasn't even funny.

My outfit consisted of a sophisticated looking forest-green shirt with a black blazer which I rolled up to my elbows.  I wore black jeans and my usual burgundy combat boots. I spent extra time doing my hair, letting the curly locks dip over one of my eyes. It wasn't as messy as usual. I styled it in a way which my existent ear piercing; Which literally no one knew I had, was in show. It was a bright emerald earring.

I could probably pull off being a model in a popular magazine, not joking; That's how hot I looked.

I was all ready a half an hour before our date. Anastasia was amused as she watched me as I leaped around the house like an energized-elementary-schooled-child.

Have Mika and I ever been on a real date? I mean we went to Starbucks with our friends one time. We also go over to each others houses a lot for some of that Netflix and chill. Haha; If watching a movie for ten minutes before getting down and dirty even counts.

That half an hour went by SO slowly that it was actually painful. Mikaela turned out to be five minutes early for our date. When the doorbell rang, a squeal left my throat as Anastasia opened up the door.

But behind the door was not Mikaela, it was another male. He had wavy hair and dark skin. His pearly whites shone as he was grinning. I gave him a confused look.

"Greetings, Yuichiro Eusford. Mikaela Tepes sent me to escort you. I believe that you two have a date tonight." The man said.

"Okay." I gave the man a polite smile. I waved goodbye to Anastasia. She looked happy and had an nostalgic expression on her face like a parent did when they were watching their child grow up.

My eyes caught sight of a water droplet leaving her eye. "Mother? Why are you crying? Are you alright?" She started to shake, sobs of joy leaving her thin lips.

"You look so lovely. My boy is growing up." She put a hand onto her eyes as she shakily wiped at her tears that were flooding down her face. "I'm so proud to have a son like you, Yuichiro." She leapt into my arms and gave me a spine-crushing hug. "I hope you have a great night." She started to bawl even louder. "Now leave! I can't look at you without crying tears of joy. Have fun. I love you, my son."

I gave her a light smile as I turned around and walked outside of the house, walking alongside the male that would escort me to my date. "I love you too, mother!" I yelled before stepping into the black vehicle.


"Mikaela... I-I'm speechless." My heart was practically melting as I saw what he had done.

We had taken a short ride back to Seraph, on Krul's private jet which she had allowed Mikaela to use. As of now, I was standing and staring at the building in front of me. It made my heart stop when I had taken sight of it, my memories flooding back to me. Tears were flooding down my eyes as I attacked the blonde haired boy into my arms.

"Y-You did this?!" I sobbed into his shoulder. "I love you so much, Mikaela." I squeezed him so tightly, hoping ever so dearly that he would never leave my grasp.

"Yes I did, Yuu-chan. We both had a rough past, and I wanted to turn those memories into good ones. Our orphanage is no longer ash and dust." He kissed my hair. "I hope you like what I did."

"Mikaela, I absolutely LOVE it! Fuck, I am so in love with you." I stared at the fresh composition of the building. Mikaela had poured his money and soul into building a new orphanage for homeless children where our old one in Seraph had burnt down into dust. The building was larger than our old orphanage and was painted a bright yellow colour. It was full of children who looked so utterly happy and who were filled with laughter.

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