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It's been 3 days of Jessie moping around eating and getting high until he falls asleep. Dev still hasn't texted or called him to talk things out, which I understand I guess.

But on the bright side he hasn't drank any alcohol since we cleaned everything out. Well that I've seen at least. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a secret stash.

But anyways, tomorrow is thanksgiving and Im sadly leaving Jess alone with Zach until I go to my moms house. But I'm pretty sure Zach is as serious as I am and will kick his ass if he even says anything about drinking-- well I hope so.

" Babe are you almost ready? He's waiting for us at the airport" Lauren said as she leaned against the door frame of my bathroom

"Yeah i was just getting more shampoo because this bottle is almost out." I held up the black Pantene bottle that was nearly empty and set it down on the counter." Alright come on don't wanna keep your boyfriend waiting."

Yes, Zayn even has to fly with us. But I'm gonna be nice and not act like the jealous prick I know I'd be if I didn't get a pep talk from Lauren for 30 minutes last night.

We both walked down stairs to Jesse high off his ass dancing to Rihanna while Zach laid on the couch as always strumming his guitar. The girls left yesterday to go home.

" SEX WITH ME SO AMAZINNNNN" he ran over to me and humped my side laughing

" Zach remember what I said." I pushed Jesse back and giggled

" Yes" he sighed dramatically " No drinking around Jess or throwing parties"

"Wait what?" Jesse turned the music down and looked at me with evident signs of irritation on his pale face " why can't I throw a party? You know I always throw pre thanksgiving parties"

" because Zach will get white girl wasted and then you'll follow eventually" I smiled " you asked me to help you fight this so I am. Either you listen to me and understand I'm doing this because I love you or you can throw a party and fuck up your relationship even more" I shrugged and opened the front door looking back once more " I love you both I'll see you in three days"

" text me when you land fucker" Zach threw me my set of house keys that I let the girls use yesterday and smiled

"Bye love you too" Jesse said with a pout

Me and Lauren walked out to a black 2016 Ford Explorer with black tinted windows to the point you couldn't even see the driver.

" Im actually jealous that you get free uber rides basically, but it's even cooler because it's your own personal driver" I giggled and sat in the back seat as her driver loaded up the trunk with our luggage

She giggled " I'm gonna act like I didn't hear that" She then pulled my chin towards her and kissed my lips quickly.

*bzz bzz*

" He's been texting you an awful lot" I rolled my eyes and rested my head in the palm of my hand as I looked out the window

*bzz bzz*

My phone sent vibrations down my thigh causing me to jump

From: Lauren 🌹
Not even the driver can know about this.

I sighed and rolled my eyes

To: Lauren 🌹
Right. Sorry "Bestfriend"

It kinda sucks that I'm gonna be the third wheel this week, I was actually excited to spend thanksgiving with Lauren-- just us and our families not with some overly attractive British man with nice eyelashes.

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