Part 3

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Me and Lauren fell to our backs aside V and took a few deep breaths to steady our breathing. I turned my head to the side and kissed Vs shoulder. "That had to make you feel better" I giggled softly.

"We're getting good at this" Lauren said out of breath.

"Nothing can make me feel better right now but I needed that." She smiled softly.

I rolled over to my side and pulled the sheet between my bare thighs...anyone with balls would understand. "Not even a triple chocolate brownie sundae?" I started. Then adding, "with whipped cream and Oreos"

"Im not hungry right now" she rolled over on her stomach and got comfortable under the covers.

"What?! You're not hungry? Baby are you okay?" I chuckled.

She shrugged her shoulders and let out a sigh against the pillow. "I don't know I'm just not hungry lately "

"You seemed hungry when you were between my legs" Lauren joked.

I shook my head laughing and reached over to plug my phone in. "Goodnight i love you guys"

"I love you too" they both said in unison.

Damn I could get used to this..

"Come on come on lets go! We have to leave" Daniel has been a pain in my ass all morning. He woke me up early as fuck and he's been acting like a damn sideline coach.

"Can you shut up we don't have to be there for another hour." I hissed. "And stop fucking yelling before you wake my girlfriend--s up." I said awkwardly, waiting to bring up the s when it finally hit me.

He furrowed his brows and handed me a half glass of orange juice and two powdery looking pills. "Your what?"

"Whats that? Im not taking that" i huffed.

"You've never seen a vitamin before? They keep you healthy. Take it. Now."

"You know you make death look real nice" i joked.

He faked a big toothless smile and turned off the bathroom light before walking away and looking down at his apple watch. "You're done lets go. You always wanna be 15-20 minutes early, it makes you look good"

"Im gonna go tell them bye first" i wiped my wet hands on the downstairs bathroom hand towel and quickly bolted for the stairs.

"Hurry up!" Hazel shouted.

"Hey I'm leaving" I smiled, even though they were both sleeping. They didn't hear me the first time so I jumped on all fours next to their feet and bounced until they both slightly sat up to give me an evil eye.

"Babe. Stop" v punctuated.

I did as i was told and quickly crawled up her body to give her a quick kiss. "I love you, ill see you later"

"The Café opens tomorrow don't forget" she reminded me. "I love you too"

I gave her one last big kiss before hopping over to Lauren where i soon broke down in laughter, my head bowed down to the crook of her neck. "Why are you laughing?" She giggled, her hands rubbing up and down my back soothingly.

"I have two girlfriends" I chuckled. Once my laughter died down i gave Lauren two kisses as well and rolled off the bed to kiss the dogs goodbye too. "Two kisses for you.." Kiss. Kiss. Next "Two kisses for you.." I said softly as i kissed Gucci's head. "Okay" i huffed as i sprung up to my feet. "Everyone got a kiss goodbye" i took a quick deep breath and started to make my way to the door, but I eventually stopped and backtracked to Lauren's side of the bed. "I love you too by the way"

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