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I tossed and turned feeling a warm wet slimy tongue slide up my cheek. " Gucci stop that's so gross" I shouted.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed him away, his solid muscular bulldog body making it a challenge.

" Gucci get down You're pissing me off!" It's like he could sense I was mad through my tone of voice, he jumped off and laid on the floor.

I try to reach for my phone but something held me back. I roll back over on my back and Lauren's arm is around my waist. Her digits hidden underneath the hem of my shirt. " ooook then" instead of moving it I just stretched out my arm closest to the nightstand and manage to sweep it off with my middle finger then catching it as it fell. I sighed in relief that my phone didn't fall on the wood floor or else it would be shattered.

" Lauren" I wiggle her shoulder attempting to wake her but she just moved closer to me cuddling my side. " Lauren!"

" hmm" she groaned

" don't you need to be back at the hotel?"

" no we don't have anything to do today" her cold feet find my warm legs digging underneath them.

I let out a loud gasp causing her to giggle and hold me closer " You're so warm" she mumbled into my ribs, her voice raspy and thick with sleep.

*bzz bzz*

From: Jessie 🚬
Whats up dude?

To: Jessie🚬
Nothing much just woke up, Devon okay?

From: Jessie 🚬
Yeah she was pissed because I was late though lol oh well but I'm starving let's go grab some food

To: Jessie 🚬
I was actually thinking about cooking breakfast today lol come over

I tried to get up but Lauren held a death grip on my waist. " Im hungryyyyy " I cried

" hmmm"

" sorry I don't speak zombie " I start tickling her, my fingers wiggling across her cold covered abdomen. The fabric of her shirt riding up the more I moved around.

"(Y/n)! stoppppp" she whined

I rolled on top of her straddling her waist. " ha I win." I smiled at her and grabbed her lit up phone off the nightstand.

She blinked rapidly until her vision was in focus on the dimly lit screen. " Uhg I forgot I put my phone on silent last night my dad texted me a million fucking times." She rolled her eyes and unlocked her phone.

As she texted her father I couldn't help but stare at her, her hair sprawled all over my pillow. Her lips were plump and swollen from sleeping on the side of her face to long and her eyes glassy from all the bright natural lighting escaping the windows. I grabbed my phone from the side of me where my body just lay and swiped up to take a picture of the sleepy beauty beneath me." say cheeseeee" I quickly snapped a picture of Lauren and ran off the bed to the bathroom locking the door behind me.

From: Jessie 🚬
You're really passing up breakfast being made for us to cook it yourself ? Y ?

To: Jessie 🚬

To: Jessie 🚬

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