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"Babe- babe-babe-babe!"

I stretched my limbs out making a weird groaning noise as i did so and opened one eye. V was jumping on the bed in her underwear and a black Harley Davidson retro long sleeve. She flashed me a bright happy smile which threw me off guard. She's literally never up first and she's never this happy when she first wakes up.

I furrowed my brows at her and smiled sleepily. "The hell is up with you?" My voice groggy and thick with sleep.

She jumped over top of me and fell to my stomach. "Wake uppppp theres so much exciting shit happening today and you're still sleeping"

I huffed and rubbed a hand over my face. "What are you so excited about?" I asked.

"Well for one, today is the day you get your present hopefully.. and we're getting our first house togetherrrrrr and the sign is being put up at the Caféeee andddd we get to decorateeee" she forced a huge smile and quickly attacked me with kisses. "Uhg you just make me so happy i love you so much"

I let out a soft giggle and smiled. "I love you too brat"

"Can you get up and get ready now so we can go get the house situated please?" She poked her lip out and gave me a cute pouty face.

I sighed "Can i sleep for another hour?"

"Uhhh no because i already let you sleep in longer than planned because you were cute" she giggled.

"I swear you're on drugs today" i sat up and wrapped my arms around her petite waist while my head rested against her chest. "Can we please just sleep in a little longer?" I said in a soft voice.

She grabbed either side of my head and made me look up at her before running her nails through my hair and kissing me on the lips. "The sooner we get done the sooner we can take a nap...in OUR house" she whispered against my lips. Our lips were pressed together once again, the kiss was gentle and innocent.

I closed my eyes and nuzzled up in the crook of her neck with the soft smile. " can we cuddle for 15 minutes at least" I mumbled.

"Why do you wanna stay in bed so bad? I mean I know thats a dumb question but like you always get up when i ask you to" she wrapped her arms around my head and cradled me like a big baby.

"I don't know i just wanna lay in bed with you all day" i nodded my head against her neck to get comfortable and took a sleepy realxed deep breath.

"How about we get back in our pajamas once  we get to the new house and stay in bed for the rest if the day?" Her thumb lovingly rubbing my head.

"But that means we have to put my bed together first" I sighed.

"Orrrr we can tell jess and Zach to do it?" She giggled.

"Yeah right, we'd be sleeping on the floor for 4 days" I huffed.

She quickly scratched my head where her hand was twice before kissing my head just as fast and climbing off me. "Come eat breakfast babe, Bates is at the Café getting the sign up. I told him we would meet him there" she held her hand out for me to take so I lazy reached out to grab it.

I rolled out of bed like James bond if he weighed 300 pounds and walked with V down stairs. "What's for breakfast?" I asked.

She shot me a warm smile and went to the fridge to grab orange juice. "Whatever you want" her hand rubbing across my abdomen while she kissed me.

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