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" (y/n)?" The barista said holding up my latte and blueberry muffin.

I got up from my seat and headed towards the coffee pick up counter to retrieve my order.

" have a wonderful day!" She said with a cheerful smile. I smiled back and nodded my head.

I turn my head and see a beautiful emerald eyed girl ordering the same thing as me, but unfortunately they ran out of blueberries.

"Here you can have mine I grabbed the last one." I held out my blueberry muffin and gave her a shy smile.

" Oh no it's fine! I can just order something else. But thank you I really appreciate it." She looked at me with captivating eyes and kindly declined my offer.

" no seriously go ahead I'm not even really that hungry I just planned on saving it for a study snack later."

" well here I'll pay for it." She held out  $4.50.

" it's just a muffin it's okay. How about you come keep me company while I study instead?" I smiled and turned my head to my table which was accompanied with a MacBook, sprawled out Apple headphones, and a couple of text books.

She gave me a toothless smile " sure why not."

" Uh ma'am?" The young adult male from behind the counter questioned. We both directed our attention to the male. " your total is gonna be $6.42"

She reached in her purse to grab her card. But I discreetly swiped mine first.

"...it should ask you for cash back." The cashier said awkwardly.

"Huh- What. I could've paid for that." She tilted her head and gave me a 'are you kidding me' smile.

"It's alright. Im (y/n) by the way." I held my hand out for her to take and gave her a shy smile.

" Im Lauren. And thank you by the way that was very sweet of you." She took my hand in her own shaking it, We then walked over to the table I was sitting at while she waited for her coffee.

"So you're in school?" She broke off a little piece of her muffin and popped it in her mouth.

" Uh yeah it's my sophomore year of college. What about you? You in college?"

" no.. I'm actually working right now. But what are you majoring in?"

" what do you do? And music production and engineering. Im a big engineering nerd and I love music so I combined the two. " I took a sip of my coffee and opened my laptop angling it so I can still get a good view of her alluring eyes.

" Dude really?? And I'm.. a member of fifth harmony. " she rose her eyebrows and avoided contact with me. As if she was waiting for me to fangirl or something.

" Oh yeahhh...Lauren jaregi ?"

" JAuregui " She rolled her eyes and let out a small giggle.

" Oh yeah sorry.." I rubbed the back of my neck and started to type an email out to my professor.

" Lauren?" The barista yelled across the pick up counter.

She then got up to retrieve her coffee and I couldn't help but watch her, observing her body closely and appreciating every feature. She was wearing light wash jeans that were ripped at the knees and thighs and long beige peacoat with a white belly shirt underneath. Her messy bun revealed her dragon fly neck tattoo perfectly, the way some of the strands hung free was so aesthetically pleasing. I quickly snapped my attention back to my laptop as she turned back around to come back and sit down.

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