Chapter 1

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    AADHIRA'S pov

It's a beautiful morning to wake up and have a beautiful life. I am Aadhira. I recently completed my post-graduate studies, and now I'm employed in an IT job. I'm doing an outstanding job at that company. My father has a business, and my brother is a partner in it. I wanted to deal with my father's business as well, but they operate so smoothly that I know nothing about the organization.

My family is urging me to get married, and several marriage proposals have arrived. But I prefer not to get married so soon. I wish to earn my living. So I turned down them all, stating that I do not want to marry right now.

One day, when I arrived home from work, my dad and brother were involved in an intense discussion about something. I've never witnessed my father so nervous or worried in the past.

I headed to my father and asked, "What happened, dad? You look so distressed."

"Aadhi, it is none of your business."

Holding on to my hope to resolve his issue, I asked, "But why are you so worried?"

"You know I am worried, so why don't you leave me alone?"

He left the hall, uttering these words. I saw my brother, and he hand-gestured me to go to my room. His words hurt me. My dad hadn't spoken to me like this in all of my years.

I went to my bed and sat there for a while, crying. However, I had a sense that something had gone wrong. So I went to my father's room and searched for him. He was lying unconscious on the floor. I reached out to everyone in my house and asked the doctor to come right away. The doctor checked his pulse and breathing and reported that he had elevated blood pressure.

My father was always in good health and kept his body in shape. I questioned my brother, "What made Dad like this?"Is this some work-related tension, or perhaps something else?

Then my brother told me everything: "Our business had fallen terribly low. Plenty of staff members left for greater opportunities elsewhere. However, some old colleagues remained to help Dad. So Dad got some money from a smuggler to start a new project. We launched the project because we had run out of finances. However, this attempt ended up being a huge failure. So, we don't have enough money to repay. And that guy is forcing us to pay back his money, in addition to all the interest. He is urging us to pay the full amount by tomorrow. But now, we are short of the money to pay him."

"Maybe you can ask him for some extra time--"

"---Woah woah" he interrupted me.

"He is threatening to cause harm to our family. He may send his goons anytime here." I was able to see the distress in his eyes.

"Shall I lend you some money?" I asked.

 I went into my room, checked the wardrobe for some money, and gave it to my brother.

"Aadhi, this money is not enough."

"What is the total amount that you need to hand over to him?"

"Nearly 3 crores, along with the interest."

Widening my lips, I thought,------O God, I cannot make that in my lifetime.

"What to do? Such an enormous amount, right?"

"It's okay Anna. I'll go meet him tomorrow and ask for some time. Maybe another project and extra sum and time will sort out this issue, right?"

"Aadhi, You can't go to that place. He does all the bad business in the town. I won't allow you to go there. And it's not an easy task." --A big brother being protective of his sister.

I nodded my head and asked, "What's his name, at least?"

"Abhinav Sharma." My brother's voice echoed the whole hall.


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