Chapter 5

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"What?" I asked him surprisingly.

"Yes. We are really going to the graveyard for our marriage"

           Tears started rolling down my cheeks. It is really a Shit to marry him. In this marrying him in the graveyard. Wow what a start of my new life. He is taking a revenge on me. Just for slapping him.

           "What harm do I do to you Mr.Abhinav Sharma? Just for slapping, you are taking this issue till the marriage"

            "Yes. You know one thing I don't know to deal girls. Because I don't allow girls to come in my life."

             "Then why are you marrying me"

               "For the sake of my mother. My mother want me to be married and I just wanted to take a revenge on you. I want my mother to be happy in her life and you to be sad for your life. So by marrying you I get double bonus in my life."

                 "OK come on. Now get down the car". He said when the Grave Yard came. He dragged my hands. I refused come seeing the horror condition there. He lifted me in his hands and took to the entry of the grave yard. Such a heartless and fearless man. Who will come at this time to the grave yard. It is him.

                 Then he tied the mangalsutra and kept the kumkum and started saying himself the seven vows.

                  "I will keep you sad for your lifetime, You will cry for your lifetime, I will shower you with my curses, May you be filled without any peace. "

     What a heartless man? He is only good looking but his heart is made of metal. And I am married to this beast now. How will I live with him my whole life. O god please help me with this jerk.

                 "You no need to say your vows afterall you are my slave" He said with a smirk.

                  Then he took me to the car. 

                   "What will you say to my mother about our marriage? 'He married me forcefully and I don't want to live with him' right".

                    I didn't respond him instead I was seeing his eyes.

                     "If you said like that then you can't imagine about your family. I will kill your whole family without any mercy. How beautiful your situation is! right."

                     "You are a heartless man. I don't want to live with you"

                      "But I want to live with you because I love you"

    I was really shocked by his words."What?you love me"

                      "Yes. That is what I'm going to tell my mother about our marriage."

O my god I got back my breath 'I love you' loving this jerk no one will do. OK for the sake of his mother I too decided to do that. 

           Then his home came.  O my gosh . Such a big mansion. He took me inside it. His mother and sister was sitting in the dining hall having their food. Sure I know that they were wondering who I was. 

              His mother got up from her chair and blocked the way.

             "Who she is?"

           "Its none of your business. Now get off our way"

How rude. He was ordering his mother. But he was saying ' For the sake of my mother'. What a son he is.

               "Abhi do you know i'm your mother?"


               "Then why are you treating me like this. As your slave"

              "OK let me tell you. She is my ..Wife. I love her and she too love me"

              "Why can't you tell this earlier? After all i'm your mother. right"

              She started crying saying these. What a rude man he is!

          "You come" he dragged my hands taking me to his bedroom.

         I will be here in 15 minutes and within that 15 minutes you should decorate yourself as a bride. 

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