Chapter 10

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  The breakfast was ready on the table. Maya and Ma was waiting for me to come there. Seeing me Ma gave a naughty smile which reminded me that disastrous incident.

I came to the table and took my seat. I didn't talk anything.

But Ma said, " I think Abhi has become a big boy. So I should not be entering into his room like that"

"No Ma not like that. We should not be doing like that while keeping the door open. It was our fault. Sorry for embarrassing you like that"

"OK then take care of it and my son. I think my son has chosen a right life partner like you. And I think he loves you so much which made him to forget about me the last night."

"Ma don't worry about him. I will take care of him. I will try to change him." I consoled her saying some words.

Then I started eating the food. It was so yummy. Which made me to eat more and more. As I completed my food and I sensed some one pecking a kiss on my cheek. I looked up to see who was that. It was him. But how dare he did that in front of all. Ma and Maya was giving me a naughty glare and smiled to each other.

He then winked at me. Again in front of them.

"Bye pepper. Bring lunch for me and don't forget about the matter I said you about tonight" He said and gave me a flying kiss and left the place.

O God why he is doing like that. I was embarrassed by his action in front of Ma and Maya.

I saw them. They were giving me a naughty smile.

"I have hope that for sure Aadhi will change him" They said and laughed to each other.

I was feeling a little shyness to talk to them after that. But they both continued to tease me.

" Aadhi I want to really say, I never ever saw bro treating any girl like this" Maya said.

"Yes because they really love each other. A great bond between them" Ma said

"Made for each other" Maya said

After sometime Ma asked me. " Where you met for the first time? and How was your marriage? ........OK now say your whole story"

I wondered what to say to her. Her words reminded of all incidents that happened from the last day night to this morning. And how I will say about the morning incident and all that happened in my dream.

"Ma stop. She is blushing" Maya said. And then I realized I was really blushing. My face turned red. I was feeling shy.

"HOO" They shouted to each other.

"Ma please don't tease me like this. Then I will start to cry" I said as they smiled to each other.

I went to washroom to wash my hands. Ma followed me.

"Aadhi I will prepare lunch for him. You go and give him" Ma said to me.

"Ma now only we completed the lunch within that you are saying to take him lunch"

"Aadhi see the time its already 11"

And then I realized. Did I spend 2 hours with him on the bedroom? O God. Again I started blushing.

"O Aadhi come to reality don't dream. 12 O' clock is his lunch time. Now take him his lunch" saying this she pushed me inside the kitchen.

I packed his food and went to his office in his car.

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