Chapter 36

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      Help me god! She is now threatening me to do this work. But first I have to call to mom and ask is everything okay there? I have a doubt whether she is saying truth or lie.

"Hello ma."

"Hey Aadhira. I'm Rudra"

"Ha Rudy anything happened to mom"

"Ha do you know?"

"I know. What happened to her? Any big accident"

"No Aadhi...........She fell down from the stairs. She says that someone pushed her from behind. But don't know. How can this happen?"

God its true..........whatever she said. Ho I can't let my family into trouble.

"Aadhira are you there?"

"Ha ha. Any fractures or wounds or sprains or like?"

"Hmm Not a big thing. Just a sprain in her anklets"

"Okay take care of her"

"Okay bye" I thought to ask him about Maya, but I know no one is at that mood.

"Hey you whom are you talking to?" Someone grabbed the phone from my hand.Who on the earth is that? Ho its that Kiara Malhotra.

"I've have already told you what had happened. And whats the use of asking it to them.And if you don't obey me I have no other way. I'll just do like this. Torturing you and your family."

How dare she would say that!

"And for the last time i'm saying, I've given you the salary to work for me. Ten times. I've given you ten times the salary. And if you don't work for it.............." She said snapping her fingers.

"Mind it. I will not so sweet always. Be honest to me not to Abhi. If so" She took the knife and plunged it in my table. I got really shocked by her act.

"If so. I have to commit an other murder" She said and left the room.

Ho How can I tolerate such a mad lady. I hope she wouldn't think to do anything even for committing a murder. And again a man came to my room.

"Mam Kiara madam told to give this to you" he gave a gift packed box.

"Thank you mam" He said and left the room.

What is in this gift pack box? Any bomb? Yes I hope so. But I had to open it. Is she planning to kill me? However at last I opened the box. I was a CCTV surveillance camera. But for what she gave me this. At a second a text came to my phone from a unknown number. I hope it was her.

"Fix it in his room" The text said.

"But I don't know how to fix?" I texted back.

"Read the instructions given in it"

I followed those and at last fixed the camera. I then went to my room. Again I texted back.


But no reply came. Hope she was planning the next plan for him. He came into his room. I too went inside his room to give a project.

"What do you want now?"


"Keep it........" I then turned to leave.

"Hey hey wait.......what about your mom?"

"Yes sir she is fine. Thank you for the concern"

"Sir any..............problem............with you?" I asked hesitatingly. I hope he would throw me out of here.

"Um first I had to ask you. Whats your problem? Anything happened are you fine."

"Yes Yes I'm absolutely fine"

"But in my opinion I think that that you're acting a little weird today"

"No no sir, nothing"

"Okay then as you wish. I'll say my problem. I think you will be noticing me for the past two days, right"

"Yes sir. I know you are not well. Its better to share it with me. It will give some relief. It will be a secret"

"Well I have a sure hope on you. Recently my mom talked to an astrologer. He is the one who brainwashed her. He is the one who told her to marry that Kiara. If not i'll die. I don't know reason behind this. My mother believed it blindly. She didn't verify it with other astrologers too. Then what I can do. I just accepted an unwilling marriage. But i'm sure that brother and the sister came with a plan. And I know that they have arranged that damn astrologer too"

The next second tears shedded from my eyes seeing him. His pitiable condition. I felt to cry. After all what can I do ahead of it?

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