Chapter 37

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"Then what is the more I can do to the bro and sister" He said glaring at me.

"I've promised my mom that i'll do whatever she says and always obey her words." I was really crying at the moment.

"I think i'm making you cry. Huh Forget it" He said as he took his seat."

I think he is stuck between his mom and that Kiara who is fighting for his money. Then suddenly a think stroke my mind.

"Sir.......then what is that necklace you both were talking about?"

"Hey How did you know that?"

"I think I just over heard you. Sorry sir. I should be not doing that"

"Leave that its just an antique necklace"


'"No its not that. Its Antique necklace."

"Ho that means"

"Antique necklace is the gift from a mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law"

Then why didn't he give me that. Ho Aadhira don't bother about this!

"She said she needs it. Just to confirm the marriage"

"Did you give it to her?"



"I said I'll give it in the engagement"

"Engagement? When?"

"Hmm within this month"

"But you are having only a less days. How will you....."

"I will do it. Nothing is impossible for this Abhinav Sharma. And the first thing is to find the details about that Astrologer. If I found him, I can destroy that brother and Sister Malhotra in their roots. I can not let them grow up then."

His words were inspirational but how will he do this.

"And make it quick. You have to collect the details about that man. Make it fast. I need it"

"Sir me?"

"Yes its you. I need those within this evening so we can go and meet him after that"

"OK sir but I need his name"

"His name is Narayan. Now go"

"Yes sir" I said confidently. But I know Kiara will be seeing this through that camera. But that camera doesn't have microphone. With this I can change the whole story.

The next second I went to my room, a call came. It was her.

"What you both were talking?"

"Mam about something about you"

"About me What?"

"About that antique necklace. He said you snatched it from him.He was so angry about it"

"Ho that's all"

"Yes mam"

"Ho shit I wasted my time talking to you" She said and hanged the call. How rude!

Without any delay I want to say the truth to Abhi. I signed him from my room to come. He then came into my room.

"Did you find?"

"No sir, I called to say something"

"Hmm say"

"Today morning Yuvi called me to cafe that time he fought with me and broke my friendship with him. But after that I knew that they were planning to snatch your company and money and settle their life and they decided to use me for it. I just overheard all that."

"This is old news. I already knew about it"

"Sir but again she met me in our office in my room. She threatened me to work for her against you. She said me to be a spy. Like whatever you does I have to say to her. If I go against her then she'll kill my family"

"What? Really?"

"Yes sir she threatened me. Then she sent an camera and said to fix it in your room. I fixed it I had no other way. I'm sorry sir. Then she called me now and asked what we were talking. I said that you were so angry about that necklace. I didn't say a word other than it"

"Good then it means that you fixed a camera that doesn't have a mike"

"Yes i'm sorry. I had no other choice. I should not let my family into trouble right, I'm sorry sir"

"Aadhira its good that you told me everything in the root. Or else it will be causing a problem. It means you risked your life and your family too" He said tapping in my shoulders. I felt so proud at that moment.

"Now we can start a drama in front of that camera. You have to help me in this. And you just say what was going on the screen."


"Yes drama."

"What drama?"

"A romantic drama" He said giving a romantic glare at me.

What does this mean?

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