Chapter 35

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I am sure that I won't let this happen. I have to stop them. I should not tell about their plan to Abhi. Then he'll be worried about it.

Without any delay I went to my office. I can again see him in a deep depression. I was really so worried about him. She said that she will finish him after her wishes are fulfilled.


"Huh" he said glaring at my eyes.

"You need anything.......Tea or coffee"

"No........What is that emergency?"

"A small accident.Mom fell down. That's all"

"Any problem"

"No sir."

"Okay fine. Continue your work"

"Thank you sir" I said and left to my room. I was really so worried. I hope that she demanded something from him for the marriage. But suddenly Kiara entered the room. But this time I've decided to hear what they are talking. So I opened the door of my room so slowly and sat near my door. Hope they won't see me.

"I need that necklace Abhi. I don't know how. But I need it"

"Kiara How can I...................? We didn't get engaged too. Then how can I give it to you" What? They didn't get engaged. Then how that mad lady can say that she is his fiancée .

"I don't know how. But you should get it from your mom. Now"

"Disgusting" he said as he opened the door and left the room. What necklace they are talking about? I closed my door without any delay. But suddenly I heard someone knocking the door. I replaced the chair in my position and opened the door. It was that Kiara.

"Mam What are you doing here?"

"Well you don't have the right to ask me that"

"Ho sorry mam. Do you want anything?"

"Yeah I came for an important reason. But first of all I want to say sorry."

"Mam.....for what?"

"I've called you different names. So thats why" Ho Aadhira...........don't melt in her ice.

"Mam its okay"

"Then I came to ask for help"

"What help? mam"

"I want you to be my spy. I want to know about Abhi. About his company"

" can I be against him?"

"Yes you can...........I'll pay for it. The three times your salary"

Whats this mad lady is saying me to do? I am sure I won't go against Abhi.

"Okay for the last time-- ten times your salary........Final"

"No mam. I won't do it, I'm sure about it"

"Are you really sure?"


"Hope you are the world's best PA. I'm appreciating you. Now give me a hug"

What? Am I in a dream? No its real. Is this mad lady going to hug me? Yes she hugged me.

"Beware of me........I can do anything to you" She said. Help me god, what she is going to do to me? I felt something pricking my stomach. God! she place a knife in my stomach. I was shocked to see that. Oh this mad lady! Is she planning to kill me now?"

"Mam................" I called her in fear.

"Now say..............your life or him"

"Mam........but" She pressed the knife against me when I said that.

"If you don't be a secret spy then you don't know what I will do to you and your family"

God help me from this mad lady. She continued.

"You know before I came here. I made an incident happen. No instead I can say an accident."

What does she do now?

"Your mother met with an accident. She fell down from the stairs. I made it happen"


"Yes I made a lie to truth. In fact I helped you turning a lie to truth. This is just trial. From this I am saying that if you are not honest to me or if you are telling something about meto Abhi, I will finish everyone in your family including you"

Then she took my phone and called her number.

"Here this is my number. Anything--call me" Then she turned to leave.

"Hey text me account number, I will transfer your money" she said as she opened the door and left the room.

What will I do now? I have no other way other than working for her. How can I go against my own boss? But if I let him know the truth, my family will be in danger. Sankaraji(Shiva) help me get out of this problem.

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