Chapter 46

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I sensed that we were taken to the hospital.

I opened my eyes after sometime. They were giving me trips. I found my mom and doctors standing near the bed. I got up. I was glad that nothing happened to me. No bad injuries. Some bruises in my hand and that's all

"You're glad, right. Because nothing happened to you" A doctor said. But I felt my head paining a bit.

"You were saved by the airbag in your car."He said.

"Aadhira?" I asked. Mom started crying all of a sudden.

"She is in a critical stage. We even don't know how to treat her. Her head is badly injured. Even if we do any operations, she won't live even for six days. For sure she'll die, today or tomorrow. We can't calculate her days " He said.

"How come she got alone injuries?"

"We found that the truck had hit her side, so the airbag didn't save her" He said.

"Was she pregnant?" He asked.

"Yes....." I said.

"No use!" He said and left the room.

I got up from the place and went into the room where she was placed. I went and sat near her.

"Aadhira..........." I called. She opened her eyes a bit by bit.

"I want to........I want to talk to you" She said.

"Lie beside me" She said waving her hand. I laid down beside her on her bed and caught her neck.

"I knew I never loved you ....never." I said crying with tears falling from my eyes.

"But I loved me. But I found that you can't express your love for me in words. You'll just say 'I care for our baby'.....but I loved you, love you and will love you." She said.

I kissed all around her cheeks and her forehead.

"See're trying to express your love for me.....In every action of yours ." She said. I again held her tightly.

"I found one thing. Whatever it is, God will fulfil a husband's wish. Like you said to me yesterday, it happened." She said holding my cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I'm the reason for everything" I said and hugged her, crying.

"The love for you started the day before yesterday, when you married me, when you cared for me. I started loving you. I'm sure no one can break my love for you. My love just started and my life is going to end now" She said smiling to me.

"No your life is not ending. I'm sure if God is there, nothing will happen to you" I said.

"God will not believe anyone who believe in God all of a sudden" she said.

"Then if you die I'll come along with you" I said. She smiled.

"Promise me that you won't take any such decision" She said.

"No....I can't leave you alone." I said. She tried to get up from her place and I helped her. She fell on the chest and showed her palm to me to keep promise.

"Please" She said.

"At least this time, won't you listen to me?" She said. I kept the promise.

"I love you" I said for the first time.

"Ah....My last wish is fulfilled" She said.

"I have another wish, I want to see my family" She said

Her head was bleeding all of the sudden. There were red stains on my shirt. She fainted. I called the doctor aloud. They came in the room and checked her.

"Just some pressure, no worries. But next time be careful and don't disturb her now" Doctor gave a warning.

Mom looked at me. I knelt down her and placed my head on her lap.

"Don't worry Abhi. We can pray for her. It is all that we can do now. We can hope for the best" She said.

"God will never fulfil a sinner's prayers. My life is full of sins. I did good to none. I mean a sin. Abhinav Sharma means sin." I said and cried. I got up from my place and left. I have her wish to be fulfilled.

I went to her home. All were shocked seeing me.

"Bro......" Maya came running towards me in happiness. But she stopped seeing the blood stains in my shirt. I stood without any movement.

"Bro...What happened?" She asked.

"Aadhira......." I started and all turned the focus on me.

"What happened to Aadhira?" Her father came catching my collar.

"Tell what happened to her?" He said pulling my collar towards him. I didn't say him anything. I took my steps to my car and everyone followed me. I opened the door for them and they sat inside. I started the car. Everyone in the car forced me to tell what happened to Aadhira. But I didn't tell them anything.

I made my way inside the hospital and they followed me. And I made them to go inside Aadhira's room. I found Aadhira very happy. After sometime they all came outside. Her father was crying and was beating his forehead. I tried consoling him.

But instead he gave me a slap and said ,"You killed Aadhira". Everyone came forward to stop him.

But I stopped them and said, "All this happened because I did not get a father who will make my path correct and scold me and beat me, and now I'm happy that I got a right father".

"What did we do to you?" He asked pushing me down. He cried. I felt the pain of a father who is losing his daughter.

"Sir......sir" I called him but no response.

"Father...daddy " He turned to me. I was not even able to hold back my tears.

"I can understand your pain. But Aadhira .........I think Aadhira will not expect her dad to cry. You know, how much times she cried for you" I said catching his hands and consoling him. He looked at my eyes and hugged me.

Meanwhile, Aadhira waved her hand to me asking me to come. I went inside.

"I think my time has come" She said.

"I feel my respiration going low, my heart beats slower" She said.

"No nothing will happen to you" I said and sat beside her.

"I love you, Abhi." She said and was breathing faster and her ears and nose were bleeding and all of a sudden her breathing stopped.

"Aadhira.........Aadhira" I tried waking her up. Tears were falling from my eyes.

"I love you too" I said and hugged her. I kissed her forehead. Her head was bleeding.

"Aadhira........." I shouted to the extent of my voice.

The doctors came in and checked her while we were waiting outside.

A doctor came out of the room giving a negative expression.

"Doctor what happened to my daughter" Aadhira's mother asked.

"She is no more" He said.

-To be continued


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