Chapter 33

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 "What? Maya?" I stammered to him.

"Shh....shh Have you gone mad? Why are you shouting at this time like this? I said only Maya not any Mayajal"

"I'm not mad. I hope you went mad. Do you know who is she?"

"Do you know her?"

"Yes Of course.. She is ABHINAV's sister" I stressed that word like something.

"Abhinav's sister. Then I should surely try her"

"Rudra........Do you get a hit on head. Surely you have gone mad. I'm saying she is Abhi's sister. Surely he won't let you that"

"Then tomorrow I will ask her 'Is your brother having two horns in his head?' Why I should fear for him?"


"Now you can sleep. You said you feel so dizzy right.......sleep" He said as he offed the light and got out of the room.

         I think really something happened to him. Or else he won't behave mad like this. I think he have really fallen in love. God only knows what is going to happen tomorrow.

 I said to myself and closed my eyes to sleep. Even though I felt dizzy I didn't sleep that night. All the thoughts including Abhi feared me. But however I had a great sleep.

"Wake up Aadhi......." Mom said in the morning taking off my bed sheet.

"Good morning" I said to her while going in to the bathroom.

  Then I got ready for office. My scooty too got repaired. So no worries today. I drove to my office. I entered his room. He was talking to his fiancée- I hope. I gave him a glare and went into my room and started doing my daily chores. Suddenly he called me to is room waving his hand.

"Buy a flower bouquet for Kiara. I need a beautiful one"

"OK sir....when"

"Before night"

"Okay sir.........sure" I said and left his room.

   I called the watch man and said him to choose and buy a lovely flower bouquet for boss.

I then continued my chores. He was talking to her since 2 I hope more than 2 hours. He then took his charger and went near socket to plug it. But I hope he didn't notice the switch was already on. He didn't ever notice it. I went to say it to him. But it was already late that he already got an electric shock. He was lying down out of oxygen-I hope.

"Sir get up" I said to him. God he is unconscious, right. Then how he will hear my words.

   Ho Aadira.......Do something soon? You have to save him. 

           I rubbed his hands. Rubbing..rubbing...rubbing. But he didn't get up. I pressed his chest. But response. Then there is only one way- Give him my oxygen....mouth to mouth.. But its disgusting,right. How can I do it to my own boss? Then what if anyone sees us. They will think bad. No Aadhira its wrong. You have to save him. His life. It is not a sin to save his life. So I went near to kiss him.

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