Chapter 43

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"Aadhi........Aadhi what happened to you?" I said tapping her cheeks. I was so worried about her and I also should care for her. Well its a husband's duty. 'Pouring less water did not work' So I took a jug and splashed all the water on her face.

"You...." she said coughing a little.

"Yes of course I won't regret for my mistake" I said getting up. She caught a side of my shirt pulling me towards her. But I was able to control myself from going to her.

"Oh baby what are you doing? You have full right on me. But you know you are pregnant now. So don't want to do anything now. We can have it after our first child" I said with a crooked smile.

"Shit idiot.......what are you blabbering? I didn't call you for that I called to say that I'm going to abort the child" she said with distinct pauses.

"Well if you find it easy to lose your family, then go ahead" I said raising my eyebrows and leaving that place. 

"Idiot idiot idiot......." she shouted at me when closed the door of her room and left the place.

OOPS I forgot a thing... I again opened the door.

"Our's tonight" I said joyfully.

"What? i'm not coming for this....leave me alone" she said with a fear.

"Oh if the bride is not coming for the marriage, whom will the groom marry? So you're coming, right" I said to which she looked at my face with a saddened expression.

The day came to extent to blow our beautiful night. I did all the decorations myself. It was fantastic.  It was a lonely place.

"Are you ready?" I asked while I exited from my bathroom tying only my towel. To my wonder she was looking gorgeous in her sari . I felt my nerves arose. Of course she didn't reply to my question but......I was lost in her beauty. Why did God sent this beautiful creature to me? I went near her when she was wearing her earrings and held her from back. I put my hands around her waist. She turned to me with a shocked expression.

"Abhinav what are you............" She said.

"Shh" I stopped her. I did it with even more arrogance like she was only for me. Then I left her when she was shouting at the top of her voice.

I went in my dressing room and came out with a blue colored wedding suit

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I went in my dressing room and came out with a blue colored wedding suit. 

"Yes it suits me well" I said looking into the mirror. I wore my coolers and turned to her. She was sitting ready in her place . Oops I was late.

"Shall we go baby?" I asked her. But no response. I can't tolerate that with thinking a second I lifted her.

"What are you doing? Leave me down" She said taking her hands off me.

"But I thought at least today you'll be happy. At least tonight. So i'll take you to the wedding hall." I said . We traveled for about 30 minutes to reach the hall and I walked carrying her inside.

 We traveled for about 30 minutes to reach the hall and I walked carrying her inside

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It was not so much a great idea. But the light settings of it was superb. She was surprised to see all those things and forgot her world. She ran into the hall. 'Oh faster than me'.

I went inside it slowly. I had my seat and forced her to sit near me. 'No mantras, nothing' I simply took the magalsutra from my pocket and tied in her neck. A small drop of tear fell from her eye. Then I lifted her and completed the seven rounds and kept her kumkum. She was sad and depressed. At last ,our marriage is completed. After sometime saw her sitting near the steps leaving her fingers inside the water and playing with it. I sat near her. She moved her seat away from me. I noticed a girl statue near me and I thought of a plan.

"Hi Aadhira....How are you?" I said holding it's {statue's} hands.

"You know one thing.......You're husband is mad. He will scold you, hurt you and do whatever possible. But I swear, really this baby........sorry it's our baby. It is just a coincidence. I didn't do it with my sense. Next day morning I was shocked to see us like that. But still now i'm not able to forget all the things you did to me. But if you cope up with me and be friendly with me, I think i'll be able to forget and forgive you..Okay now lets be friends. What are you saying?" I said lifting my hand to the statue.

But failed. She didn't utter a word but she left the place.

It is a wonder that I came down to that level. But this girl............uff. I want to make her flexible to me.


Hi guys! After long days. My only anger now is none is reading my IN YOUR SHADOWS book. If you read that i'm sure i'll give fast updates.

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