Chapter 41

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"Lets start this fresh" He said as he made me to sit in my seat. Then he drove the car from the place in great speed. Where is he going? He stopped the car at his home. He again lifted me with his arms. Our eyes stuck for a moment. We had an eye lock.

"Are you ready to play this life game with me?"He asked me.

"I hate you" I said.

"That is not the answer for my question" He said.

"Well i'm not ready to answer this" I said removing my hand which was around his neck.

"That means you are not ready to love" He said. I can't believe this new twist in the story. Is he loving me?

"What are you trying to say?" I asked him in confusion.

"I asked are you in love with me?" He asked.

"No No I don't know" I said. I don't know whether to say Yes or No.

"Oh. then it means you don't know that you're in love or not." 

"Are you in love with me?" I asked. I was eagerly waiting for his answer.

"I am..................i'm not. I don't love you." He said which turned me despair.

"OK lets go" He said carrying me into the hall. Mom was shocked to see us both.

"Hey Abhi what are you doing? Leave her down" She said.

"Mom I came here with her for an important reason. " He said leaving me down.

"What? What reason?" She asked stepping forth.

"Oh well................she's pregnant" He said.

"What?" She was really shocked to hear that. She turned towards me. I nodded my head saying Yes. She came towards me and hugged me.

"Don't worry mom, he has changed. A lot" I said.

"Thank you" She said crying. I nodded my head.

"I want you to be married" She said.

"Mom but he family won't allow us to do it" He said pointing at me.

"I'll ask them" I said. He gave a little smile. Cute enough!

               Then he called me to his room. I went at the back of him.

"Oh you've changed the paint" I asked him while getting inside.

"Yeah you like it?" He asked me.

"Yes its good and fantastic" I said. He laughed a little.

"OK thats not my problem. My problem is................your eyes. What happened to it?" He said cupping his hand in my cheeks and checking my eyes.

"What? What happened?" I asked.

"Dark circles? Did you cry?" He asked. How romantic he is!

"Yes........more and more. You made me cry" I said.

"Me? Oh i'm sorry Aadhira" He said hugging me.

"I'm sorry" he said and rubbed my shoulders.

"I know I'd hurt you so much. But you know, all the time you've helped me. I don't know what I can do for that. I bought your company, and you were there in that company and i'm sure that was totally coincidence. I think fate joined us. Even you risked your family and saved me from that Kiara, if you didn't done that I'll be not alive now" He said cupping my cheeks.

                   When did he turn like this? Into a good person. I have a doubt. Is he planning another revenge towards me? I have to find out.

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