Chapter 39

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Now I want to shout on God for giving me such disgusting situations every time. I can't go on either this way or the other. I am stuck within the two, Abhi or Kiara. If I choose one way, I have to lose someone. Better I feel to resign this job now. Without leaving a second I typed my resignation letter, and pleaded him to leave me. I went to the office. I opened the door. But I felt dizzy in my head. I went unconscious. I don't know for what.

            When I opened my eyes, I was in my home. Everyone surrounded me. I asked my dad.

"How did I come here dad?"

"Gauri dropped you here."

"Any problem with me"

"No I don't know that. Just now I called the doctor. He is in his way" As he said someone knocked the door. It was the doctor who helped my dad during his high BP. He checked me, my pulses.

And said,"Congrats you are going to be grant parents" My shock after hearing his words. When did this happen? It was not only my shock, but whole family's shock. Everyone turned at me with their surprising face.

"Doctor you get out" Dad said seeing me. Then the doctor got out of the room.

"Dad I didn't do anything" I said swearing him.

"What you didn't do Aadhira. All I had was the belief that you will not do anything like this. But now you've broken my faith and belief. Shame on you" He said turning the face other side. I really felt shameful at that moment.

"OK now tell me When and with whom did this happen?" He said taking deep breathe. The next second tears came from my eyes. I don't know what to say to him.

"Dad I swear that I really don't know" I said catching my head.

"I know its with that Abhi right. I know you fell for him"

"Dad please I didn't do anything like that. Please believe me" That time I felt that even my brother didn't believe me.

"Shame on you Aadhira" My dad said as he left the room. Mom followed him. It was only my brother who didn't left out the room. 

I asked him,"Won't you believe me?" I asked him disgracefully.

"No Aadhira not like that but  you have to answer for this and dad's questions. Say the truth"

"I don't know and in fact I don't know if this was Abhi or not"

"Then don't leave it Aadhira, go and ask him whether its him or not. As a brother I can give only courage. Good luck for your future struggles" He said and left the room. I have faith in my brother's words. Its my right to ask him. And now that Abhinav Sharma will be happy that he completed his revenge. He will be really happy that he defeated me. I won't let him win this game. For this reason he cheated me to take revenge.But how dare he'll do like this to me. He shown his power to me, its time to show Mrs. Aadhira Abhinav Kumari Sharma to show her power.

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