Chapter 7

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   Then after some minutes he again entered the room. He came and laid down in the bed.

"Then where will I sleep?"

"Actually near me"


"Huh I don't have any objection in sleeping with you"

"I'm not going to sleep with you in that bed. Better I will sleep down."I said grabbing a bed sheet and a pillow.

He grabbed the bed sheet and the pillow from my hand"You are not gonna do that"

"Why? What bothers you if I sleep down?"

"Yes it bothers me. What if mom came to our room in midnight and saw us. I mean you sleeping down and myself in bed"

"Ho you care this much about your mom. Then why did you talk to her like that?"

"Do I want to say that to you?"

"Yes. After all i'm your wife."

"Then I will say it"

He towards me. I stepped my feet back till I hit the wall. He came closer and closer. I was sandwiched between him and the wall. He kept his one hand in the wall and another in my bare waist. He came near and near. Is he really gonna kiss me. I turned my face. But he continued to come closer. He kissed my neck. I started breathing heavily more like an asthma patient. He then kissed my earlobes and whispered in my ears.

"You look really hot in this saree. Really spicy. Don't make me fall for you. I want to make revenge not love"

Then he took hold of my waist. He was tightening his grip more and more which made me to moan.

"Huh Do you like that pepper?" He gave me a lustful smile.

I gave him a disgusting look and took his hand from my waist.

"Don't you dare to do like that?" I lifted my arms to slap him. But he caught hold of my hands.

"Don't do that again. Then do you want to go back to the graveyard for our marriage."

"I hate you"

"But I love you. This is what I said to everyone. According to my mom and my sister Maya it means that we both love each other.So we married each other. But they don't know the things that happened between us. I mean the slap and the contract. And according to my workers and guards it means that I love you but you don't love me. It was a first sight love to me. You are such a hot and spicy girl and so I convinced and have married you."

"What does it mean? Are you saying me to act in front of all as your dear pepper?"

"Of course Yes"

"Do you think i'm a puppet in your hands?"

"Yes pepper . Just think about your family and you. What will happen if you don't do this? huh"

"OK now just leave me alone"

"Then it means you are sleeping with me tonight" He said with a smirk.

I gave him a look and took a bunch of pillows and placed it as a border in the bed"

"What? India Pakistan border"

"Yes now just sleep"

I said laying on the bed. Then he too laid. He was giving me a glare for some minutes. Then he slept"

I don't know when I slept. But in the middle of the night I heard someone playing a loud music. I woke up and saw the time 3:30 am. Who is that playing music at this midnight. Huh I saw him It was that jerk. Running in the treadmill. He is ready made with a six pack albs. What?. Am I admiring him? No I should not do this. I hate him right.

"Hey Hello What are you doing at this midnight with this banging music"

"Just working out"

"Would you shut that music Off?"

"Huh I can't hear"

"Would you shut that music Off?" I shouted to him.

"I can't hear pepper"

"You idiot would you shut that music Off" I screamed to him as no one will scream in the middle of the night.

"I can't hear even though"

This jerk! What can I do with him. He is torturing me like something. I have no other way just to shut my ears with the pillows and sleep.

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