Chapter 21

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      Then  next day I woke up as usual and ready for my office. I was really worried about one thing. I asked for leave a day and took leave for two more days. I worried how would I face my new boss. Then I drove off to my office even my mother forced me to stay here as I returned only yesterday. I wished her bye and wet to my office.  Gauri came and hugged me closer. We are best friends from our childhood. No breakage in our friendship since our childhood. Then she started asking the questions.

"Hey Aadhi what happened to you"

"What? I have text you yesterday right"

"Ok then I won't ask you about the problem. But is it over now"

"Yes absolutely"

"OK leave that problem "

"What about our new boss"

"Yes he informed that he will come now"

"How is he? I mean, is he good?"

"No today is his first day. But Business week magazine interviewed him yesterday. It will be coming in that magazine today. I mean his picture. He is looking so so handsome"

"Then show me too. Let me see it"

"No No You see him live in the office"

"You...  Gauri"


"Ok leave that problem"

        He entered the office. Everyone was giving him a glare. But I can't see his face. Everyone's head was hiding it. But everyone moved their way, I was really shocked to see his face. It was that Abhinav Sharma. Is he my boss from now? Is this his new revenge? But the fact is that I can't resign from this company. Because I signed in a contract that I will work for at least permanent 5 years in that company. I can't afford to be his worker. As he crossed his way, he didn't give me even a look. He just continued his way. He just went inside his room.

"Aadhi did you just see him. He is so dashing"

"Hey Gau show me that magazine. Is he really the owner? Or it's my dream I saw him"

"What do you mean?"

"No no I didn't mean anything. Show me that magazine" As I asked she showed me the business week magazine. It was true. I was shocked to see his photo in there.

 I was shocked to see his photo in there

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      But how did he buy this company. By threatening or by money. But I had no other choice other than it to work there. I had to see his face the all day. As the stream of thoughts were flowing in my mind, a man came from my so called boss's cabin and called me inside.

"Hey you Miss. Sir is calling you inside" He said pointing towards me and the room.

  All I thought was What is he going to do me? Well I think he will say me to resign. Then I'll be happy. I will get rid of him. I got up from my place and walked towards his cabin. I knocked the door. And the answer came from inside"Come in" I turned the door knob.

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