Chapter 14

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Which girl will think of this whole in a night? So let me go to sleep now. Then soon I drove off to sleep. But sleeping in his hands uff he didn't change his position at all which made my whole body pain. Then next day body I woke up. This time I was early. I got up at 7. Then I started searching for him. He came out of the bathroom with a wet towel tied around his waist and with another towel, he was rubbing his hair.

"O you woke up already. I thought I can wake you up with cold water"

"Don't do your filthy shits to me" I said annoyingly.

"O pepper leave it. I should ask you something" He said as he sat beside me and caught my shoulders.

""  I asked hesitatingly.

"No why you came and slept early yesterday? Hmm" He said looking at my eyes.

"No.... I felt a .b..bit sleepy" I said feeling hesitation as my hands touched his hot chest.

"Oh really. Is it? Not I think some other reason is hiding behind that" He said giving a naughty smile.

"Wha...t? What reason?" I said trying to push him away.

He took his hands off my shoulders and went inside the dressing room and came dressed with a suit.

Then again he came and  took hold of my hands.

"Did you really forget what I told you yesterday and what happened in the party?"

"What you told?"

"Poor pepper. I think you have memory loss"

"Just say whats it"

"Which dress I told you to wear yesterday?"

"No I searched for the dress but it was not there"

"Liar. Did you really search for it?"

"Yes I swear"

"Then Did you forget that there is bed in our room"

"No why"

"It was upon the bed. The dress"

"No I didn't see it"

"Lies. Lies and lies. What do you and your family besides that to say?"He said as he grabbed my hands and made me to get up.

"Hey mister think before saying something about my family"

"Yes I know THE LIAR FAMILY and so called CHEATER FAMILY" and again I did it. I slapped him for the second time. He was grunting his teeth in anger. 

"Learn to control your tongue" I said catching his collar.

He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me to the wall. And suddenly removed his shirt's collar button and came near me. Nearer and nearer. I stepped backwards.

"This is the thing you do to the world's sweetest  hubby."

He continued his steps towards me. 

"How can you do this to your so called husband?" He said lifting my head.I mean the chin. God what is this filthy shit is doing. His flipping emotions ah. How will I handle him now?

"This is not fair right. If I come near, you are stepping back. If I bring my face near, you are turning your face aside and now you slapped me. What punishment will I give for the slap? In the bedroom." he said as he brought his face near my chin. Then he started soothing my neck with his hands.

  It was really disgusting. What he is gonna do me? God please help me to escape from him. 

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