Chim - I'll Always Be There

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Chapter 1

Kimberley’s P.O.V

“You’re welcome back anytime remember”

“I know babe, but I’ve already over stayed my welcome” Justin straightens up from putting the last box in the boot of his car. I smiled at him weakly as I thought back to how we ended up here...

I’d asked Justin to move in with me after he found out his mother was moving to Australia, his mum is extremely homophobic, which is a problem considering Justin is gay and she kept pressuring him to get a girlfriend. I’ve known Justin for seven years and he is the only friend that I managed to stay close with after popstars: the rivals. His relationship with his mother has always been strained because of her strong opinions and rules. We kept up the charade of us being a couple for the six months before his mother left and Justin hasn’t been in contact with her since, which he has never complained about, and Justin has been here ever since, until today of course.

“And Kim” He stepped in front of me, “Thanks. For everything” he pulled me into a bear hug.

“It was nothing, you are my best friend after all” I smiled

“No really, I know what you sacrificed and I’m so sorry” I knew what, or rather who, he was talking about and my smile faltered slightly. I brushed it off and eventually we said our goodbyes and Justin got in his car. I turned and walked up the four steps to my front door.

“Oh and by the way” Justin shouted from his car window, causing me to turn back, “I’m sure you’ll argue with yourself about this when I go, so I’ll solve it for you...” he paused to turn the engine on, “Call her. You need each other, she has no one, he’s no good but you can at least be friends.” He flashed me a knowing look which soon turned into a grin as he closed the window and drove off.

I just stayed there, frozen for a minute. Hearing what Justin had said, I thought back to that day...


I was on my way around to Cheryl’s place; it was two days after Justin had moved in. We’d only just finished sorting his stuff out and I’d explained the situation to Nicola over the phone when she rang on Monday to see if I wanted to go out and she said she would tell the other girls.

I pulled up outside Cheryl’s; I locked my car and walked up the path. Pausing at the door, I glanced back noticing the black car up the drive for the first time. I let it go and knocked on the door.

A few minutes later, the door opened to reveal a smiling Cheryl, whose facial expression completely changed when she saw me, which made me slightly confused.

“What do you want?” I could tell by the look on her face she wasn't happy to see me.

“Is that my greeting? What’s going on?”

She didn’t answer at first just stood glaring at me. Then a man’s voice interrupted.

“Babe? Who is it?”

“Just... Kimberley” She shouted over her shoulder, never breaking eye contact but emphasising the ‘just’.

“Chez who’s that? What’s going on?”

“That’s Ashley. And don’t call me that.”

“Ashley Cole? The footballer who keeps asking you out? What’s he doing here? Cheryl what is going on?” I was getting annoyed by now; why not just give me a straight answer.

“Yes. Ashley Cole. The footballer who I said yes to... and that’s what he’s doing here.” She pushed me back slightly and turned round “I’m just talking to Kim about work Ash, won’t be a minute.” She called before closing the door, not waiting for a reply. She turned back to me, with a burning glare.

“Stop acting clueless Kim, you know full well what’s going on. I saw the picture of some man moving into yours in the paper, do you think I’m stupid?! I’d have no idea what was going on? What about us Kim? I thought you loved us?!”

She was nearly shouting now and paused to calm down, taking a deep breath as her eyes began to tear up. She then continued but I think she was mostly talking to herself at first.

“Can’t believe I actually believed it, guess it was my own fault for actually trusting someone like that... but even you Kim, you knew about my past how hurt I’ve been by others who ‘loved’ me.”

“I’m not lying Cheryl! I wouldn’t!” she looked me in the eye; her face was hard. Stern.

“Whatever you say... Who is he? And how long have you been with him?”

“Justin and I’m-”

“Wait. Justin? But I thought he was-”

“Gay? Yeah he is I’m doing him a favour, it’s a long story but-”

“Tell me.” Was the rest of this conversation going to be us interrupting each other? I quickly explained the situation to Cheryl and when I was finished she just stared at me for a second, her tears on the verge of falling now, as she looked away, towards the floor. Then she started backing away, edging towards the door to her house.

“Sorry. Y-you should have told me-”

“Well I was hoping to explain today, but it looks like you move on easily enough so what’s the big deal” I shrugged, turning round heading back to my car.

“I didn’t want to move on Kim but I at least deserve to be loved!” that caused me to spin back around.

“Oh and you think he loves you Cheryl?! Are you sure you’re not just a trophy to him? I’ve just told you that I love you Cheryl and this was all just a misunderstanding, yet you’re still going back to him, after weeks of turning him down. Maybe we should move on. Work colleagues, yeah?” with that I unlocked my car and opened the door.

“I’ll finish with him!” I turned around again, she looked concerned and desperate, her eyes wide, pleading.

I just looked back at her for a minute, before getting in the car, slamming the door, turning the key as soon as I closed the door, bringing it to life. I didn’t look back towards her, just focusing on the road as I pulled out. As I drove away I looked in my rear view mirror, she was still stood were I left her, watching me go whilst slowly reaching for the front door.


I remember going home that night, Justin knew something was wrong and I ended up telling him everything, I had to talk him out of moving out that second, he felt responsible, as did Nic. I didn’t want to get her involved so I didn’t tell Cheryl that she knew, but when Nic found out she broke down and could look neither me nor Cheryl in the eye.

I snapped out of my thoughts and made up my mind quickly. I’m going to see her.

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