Chapter 1: Competition

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By the end of first period everyone had heard of my prank this morning. I mean how could they not? While West Hill was a large school, the student body was small and the only real action we had was the Prank War. 

A prank that required me to actually get the boy-- Connor-- and his bed to the school was rather difficult, which meant more points. The extremity taken to each prank is how the point are tallied, and since this took a lot of effort, it was worth more. So in the end it paid to go all out. 

As I stalk into my second period class I'm immediately cornered by seniors about my prank. I brush it off like no big deal but when Lucy Laine waltzes up to me I shoot her a genuine smile.

Lucy is nothing extraordinary with her large glasses and pale skin and frizzy too-light blonde hair. She was classified as the "loser" of our school, and seeing as she had no real friends it made her the perfect unbiased ScoreKeeper for the games. She really took pride in her job because we all knew that now everyone was sucking up to her to try to bribe their way into a few Prank Points "mysteriously" added to their count.

Lucy practically bounces up to me, obviously soaking up the newfound attention as the curious bystanders eavesdrop on our upcoming conversation.

"Hey Luce, what's up?" I say happily but I already know what this has to do with. I didn't need to suck up to someone to win a game I was already a master at.

She smiles underneath her large stereo-typical nerd glasses. "I just wanted to congratulate you on your prank on Connor! It earned you 5 prank points so far so you're at 208 already! I also wanted to warn you that Julian Doffrey is catching up to you with 183 just in case!" she chirped, sounding too pleased.

Immediately I wrinkle my nose at the mention of Julian. The crowd seems to tense up around me too and I know why. Since two weeks ago when the Prank War officialy started Julian and I have been neck and neck for the top. Naturally I always came on top but there were moments even was afraid of him beating me. 

I nod "I'll keep that in mind, thanks Lucy! But I guess with that score I'll be topping the record in no time" I say, trying to drag the subject off of Julian. Just hearing his name or even thinking about him made me want to hurl all over Lucy's khaki pants.

Lucy nods "Yep, just keep it up!" she said perkily. I shoot her a fake smile and it drops as soon as the bell rings, signaling the start of class.


So here's chapter one! I decided to write this as well as another story that I'm gonna  finish before posting so I don't quit in the middle of it like some other stories I've written  *cough Happily Ever After cough*

I also decided to write this one in short chapters so I don't lose inspiration when writing and I update more! Also because the new book I'm writing has LONG chapters and I wanted to try a short chaptered book. Don't know how it'll work out but oh well!

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