Chapter 8: Truce

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The next day at school I feel as confident as ever. I had parked my truck in the lot extra early to work on another prank while anticipating the rest of the day. When the starting bell rang I'm feeling very confident and raise my head high as I walk through the hallway littered with students. Not even the familiar sight of a certain brunette spawn of satan put a damper on my day.

Julian smirks as I approach him "Didn't think you'd come to school after yesterday, Autumn" he says confidently.

I almost roll my eyes but instead smile "And why is that? It was just a simple prank, no harm done!" I say in an uncharacteristically cheery voice.

A look of surprise crosses Julian's face "Well you were pretty pissed off yesterday and I'd be embarrassed if I were you. I mean, I did prank you" he gloats.

My eyes flash dangerously but I stop myself from snapping "I'm over it now. This is just a game, right?" 

He gawks at me "Autumn, what the hell happened to you? Yesterday you thought this was way more than 'just a game.'" he says.

"Yeah, but I realized I was wrong. That's actually why I came over, I wanted to apologize. I got so wrapped up in this Prank War it got to my head. I'm sorry for stealing your idea" I apologize.

Julian looks dumbstruck. If I wasn't busy trying to call a truce I would laugh at his face. He shakes his head, composing himself.

"Autumn, we both know that's fake. Just tell me what you're planning and we can go back to enemies" he states.

I laugh "I'm not planning anything, Jules! We both know that we're the best and smartest people in this war. Why not just get along and plan bigger pranks on the competition and get better scores?" I suggest.

Julian looks lost in thought "I don't know I can trust you, Rivers. While you prove a good point, I don't think I can trust someone as cunning as you" he states.

I sigh "Just think about my offer, Julian." I say "Oh, and don't use any bathrooms today. Just a heads up" I say and wink before walking away from a dumbfounded Julian. 

A few moments after I stalk off the hallway erupts in screams as the bathroom by where Julian is standing bursts open. Soaking students run out, the floors flooded from where the sinks and toilets exploded.

I catch Julian's eye and smirk.


Super short chapter because I've been writing longer chapters and it makes it harder to write. And I was REALLy busy today and I typed this down in like an hour so yeah... Whatever....

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