Chapter 16: Push and Pull

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By school the next day I was already 1/4 done with the granola bars given to me by Julian. My feelings of elation I had felt when first given the treats had only dimished slightly. I didn't even mind when Julius cryptically told me to get to school early.

I realize why he told me to arrive early as soon as the usual school kids begin to arrive. As soon as they go to the door, they promptly smack into the glass. 

It turns out that Jack and Julian were the culprits behind these hilarious mishaps. They had swapped the 'Push' and 'Pull' signs on all the doors surrounding the school, effectively stumping the people in our school with the IQ of a squirrel-- which was actually a lot of students. The funniest part was when Mr. Vann had run smack into the door, spilling his coffee all over his blue tie.

Needless to say, that made my day.

Third period comes in a rush and being we have the nicest Science teacher, we are given the last ten minutes of the period to ourselves. I joke around with Jack, the only friend in my class, when Lucy walks up.

I'm no Regina George but when I saw Lucy in rainbow leggings, black baggy Harry Potter t-shirt and fuzzy rainbow boots-- yes they have those-- I almost puked. 

Lucy's just a colorful person.

Haha, get it? Oh well.

A smile is etched onto her pale face as she pushes back her wavy, platinum blonde hair that practically reached her butt. 

"Hey Autumn, Jack" she says in an overly perky tone. I smile back politely.

"Hey Lucy, what's up?" I ask the scorekeeper.

I never really talked to Lucy, unlike all the other suck-ups in the Prank War. I didn't need to beg her to get Prank Points.

She shrugs "I just wanted to tell Jack that he and Julius each got 2 points for their prank, bringing his total to 168 while Julian is at 216. Which is bad because yours is 224. I just wanted to advise you to step up your game before he catches up" she says in a sickeningly sweet voice. I grit my teeth.

I nod "I got it, it's under control" I say, setting my jaw. After a moment of awkward silence I force a smile.

Jack sends me an odd look "Okay, Luce. Thanks for telling us" he dismisses her.

Lucy nods cheerily and moves away in all her rainbow glory. I sigh.

Jack turns to me "Don't be put off by this. I mean you know Julian is my best friend but you're my friend now too so I guess I can say that it's okay and not to let Julius get to your heard or whatever" he says awkwardly.

I shrug indifferently as if this new fact shared by Lucy meant nothing to me "Honestly Jack, I'm fine. It's just a game, right? Besides, I have a big prank up my sleeve, it can get me a bunch of Points" I say and smirk as I think of it.

Jack raises an eyebrow "And what would that be?" he asks curiously.

I wave it off and smile "You'll find out soon enough" I say.


The rest of Science passed by in a flash. lunch was right after, which I ended up being 5 minutes late to.

"Where have you been?" Vanessa asks as I sit down at the lunch table.

I shrug "Bathroom" I say and then smile. They didn't return my look, just shot me weird look. 

They didn't understand my weird attitude until after lunch, when the entire school realized that the girls bathroom had urinals.That had earned me a few points, but still not enough to put a safe distance between me and Julian. I needed to think bigger if I wanted to keep ahead. But then there was that other thing...

I shook my head. I needed time before I revealed that prank. It wouldn't have its full effect if I did it now when things were just starting to fall into place.

Abandoning my thoughts, I continued on with my day as if I was unbothered by the discovery of this close call. It didn't seem to affect Julian, so I most certainly won't let it affect me. 

On the outside, at least.


Okay short chapter because I'm lazy and I don't want to continue. plus the next chapter is going to be LOOOOONG. At least I hope it'll be. I hate when I write too fast. I mean, Chapter 16 and it's so far in. 

I've abandoned The Wall because It's boring and it won't make sense. And it sounds too much like Farmville.

Song of the chapter is Kids in Love by Mayday Parade. Guess what version. Yes, the acoustic version. Duh.

Jack evers is going to be on the side. Swoon with me at his hotness and then murder Vanessa because he's hers.

You know what's awkward. When your real life friends read your book. *Cringe*

I went to visit a private school today. They let me play Flappy Birds while the kids had to take a quiz and then watch Jurassic Park. And the boys. were. hawt <3333

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