Chapter 32: Date Night

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After pouring the remainder of the frothy mix down the hallways, Vanessa and I had bolted down the hallways and out the school just as kids were running out of their classroom to discover the source of the commotion. All they encountered, however, was the slippery mess created by Vanessa and I. Well, Julian and Jack for all they knew.

After hiding outside for a few minutes, I had decided to go home early but Vanessa, being the perfect student she is, decides to go back to school and act like this whole thing wasn't her. Bidding her adieu, I had hopped into my truck and sped right out of West Hills High School.

However, I didn't reach my house until school had already ended. Once I left at 11 o'clock, I had treated myself to lunch before hopping into a movie. Because of the peculiar hour of the day, I had the entire theater to myself and spent most of it goofing off alone rather than actually watching the movie.

The engine noisily shut itself off as I withdraw the key from the keyhole in the side of my steering wheel. As I haul myself out of the truck, my jeans still slightly soggy from the water in the hallways, I notice a figure standing patiently at my doorway. Blinking, i wrack my brain as to who would be at my house a few minutes before school even ended. 

And then it clicked.

"Julian, what're you doing here?" I ask in disbelief. Julian smiles at me broadly and I give him a quick peck on the lips as I near him, but that creepy grin is still plastered on his face.

"Julian?" I say hesitantly.

"You know you're the best girlfriend ever, right?" Julian finally says after a pregnant pause and I inhale sharply at his words, my face heating up as I tried to wrack my brain for what I did to deserve that title.

"W-what'd I do?" I ask, feeling nervousness seep into my skin.

Julian looks at me in bewilderment, as if it was obvious what I had done "Autumn you think I haven't hear what you did today? That was awesome, me and Jack were stoked!" He says happily, picking me up by the armpits and spinning me around.

Relief rushes through me. Right, the prank today, that's all it was. I allow myself to laugh as he places me back down "Well I had to do something for you, especially after what you did" I say. Then my gaze turns serious as I stare into his warm gray eyes "But I still don't know why you'd get suspended for me!" I protest in anger.

Julian smiles cheekily, running a hand through his messy brunette hair "Hey, you're my girlfriend now Autumn, I'm supposed to do things like this for you" he explains.

Guilt nips at my heart and I sigh in defeat "I guess you're right, but you didn't have to get youself suspended!" I say and look down.

"Hey Autumn" he says but I don't raise my gaze. "Autumn look at me" he commands but I still don't comply. it's not until a large finger pushes softly against the bottom of my chin, forcing me to look into his gray eyes that I suck in a breath. "You know I'd do anything to make sure you were avenged" he says. My gaze softens as I give him a watery smile, which he returns brightly. Without thinking, I wrap my arms around his abdomen and pull him close to me in a hug.

It takes a moment for him to respond but he wraps his large arms around my slender body, making sure not to crush me though. A laugh reverberates through his chest as he rests his chin on the top of my head. Closing my eyes, I breathe in his citrusy scent as I relish in the heat seeping through my still wet clothes.

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