Chapter 22: Melting over my best friend's boyfriend

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I follow the route I took yesterday to Jack's house, needing Julian's instructions at times, much to my chagrin. When I park, the street bustling with cars and teenagers is now next to empty, save for a few cars and a couple people passed out on the yard. How they managed to do that is beyond me. 

I make sure to step over the empty cups as I walk with Julian into the house. While I encouraged him to just get his car and leave, he wanted to talk to Jack. I had relunctantly agreed to come with him after his insistent nagging.

The inside of the house is much worse. There are bodies asleep on the floor, obviously because they couldn't find a couch or bed or were too lazy to actually get up. The floor is practically red from all the cups and it's sticky with dried beer. I scrunch my nose in disgust as I swim through the mess. Jack will have fun cleaning this shithole up.

"Jack!" Julian calls through the halls that yesterday filled with music, is now dead with silence.

"Where are you buddy?" Julian mutters as he leads me through the castle of a house. It's obvious he knew his way around the house just by the way he walks with confidence, never looking around and moving at a brisk pace.

I'm gazing around the house curiously when Julian suddenly stops, causing me to crash into his back with a yelp. 

"What's with the holdup, grandpa?" I ask jokingly. Julian doesn't respond to my teasing and I raise an eyebrow in confusion. Curious as to why Julian is too shocked to speak, I peek around his broad shoulders and look into the living room, where it seems all hell had broken loose.

A boy was duct taped to a wooden chair, sitting in only his boxers. That wasn't the worst part, it was the fact that he was wearing more makeup than Taylor Momsen. When I saw the familiar shaggy black hair I froze. Then I burst out in laughter.

The boy was Kai.

"Must've been one hell of a party" I mutter with a sigh. Good thing I didn't stay like Kai, I didn't want to end up half-naked and strapped to a chair.

"Is that... Sandy?" Julian's voice echoes through the silent and I jump at the sudden noise. Turning away from the scarring view of Kai, I turn to Julian.

"Where?" I ask, feeling my heart leap. If that was Kai... I shuddered to think what Sandy did last night. God knows she's a party animal. 

Julian raises his muscular arm and points to the coffee table near the couch. I follow his finger and my eyes land on a familiar sandy blonde.

She's splayed out on the table with her mouth open--- yes, fully clothed--- and I thought that nothing bad had happened to her until I caught the black markings on her face. I squinted my eyes to make out what the marking represented and then I gagged, averting my eyes. Sandy wouldn't do well to see that a very... non-appealing figure was etched out on her pale face.

"Can't believe I missed out on such a rocking party.." Julian grumbles disappointedly, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yes, it must be fun to wake up tied down to a chair" I retort with sarcasm.

"Oh I'll be tied down, just not to a chair" he says with a wink. I cough, trying to hide my gag.

"You repulse me, Doffrey" I scoff.

Julian sticks out his tongue "That's what I'm here for, babe" he says.

I sigh "stop being such a child, it gets old" 

Julian opens his mouth for another crude remark but I cut him off, not wanting to fight "I think we're here to find your friend, not have you acting like the annoying brat you are" I say.

Julian snorts and I glare at him. He coughs in his hand before nodding "I'm not a brat!" he says. After my look he continues "Well, sometimes..." he continues.

I pinch the bridge of my nose "just let it go. I want to go home so let's just find this dumbass" I state as I march away from the unconcious forms of my friends.

After searching through the entire downstairs, we make it upstairs. I didn't exactly want to go into the bedrooms, afraid of what I'd find. It seems Julian doesn't have that same problem.

"Found him" Julian's call is heard from where I sit at the top step. I peek over to see half his body out of a doorway, his gray-eyed gaze meeting mine. I stand up and cautiously move towards him, afraid of what's inside the room.

Fortunately it's a bathroom and from my first, quick once-over, I determine that no one is in there that I could see. If no one was in there, where was Jack...?

I turn to Julian, and he must catch my confused gaze because he shifts his eyes to the tub. i turn around and face the porcelain bathtub. Shuffling over, I carefully peek over the edge with my eyes shielded.

When I uncover my eyes I breathe out a sigh of relief. Jack was curled up in the small tub, luckily with the jeans he wore yesterday on. His defined chest was exposed though and I bit my lip to stop myself from swooning at the muscles that rippled as he breathes. He's my best friend's boyfriend, no way!

But I had to admit, those six packs looked delicious.

Sighing at Vanessa's luck, I try my best to look away from his stomach area. Just as I almost succeeded, I caught sight of black lettering written in Sharpie.

Squinting, I could make out the words written on his stomach. Thankfully it was nothing as disturbing as what Sandy had displayed on her cheek. 

Jack and his magic beanstalk was scribbled out on his chest. At first I thought it was quite amusing, until I caught the area pointing downwards.

I might've vomited a little in my mouth.

What was up with some of the people here?


I had writer's block so I finally got this monster out. I don't even have any inspiration to write an A/N right now. Obviously I didn't proofread. I hate proofreading. I'll reread the whole story and edit when I'm done, but I only write the chapter then publish. 

*sigh* I got a haircut. I got bangs and layers and my hair is sooo short now! Still trying to decide if I like it.

So I met these adorable and nice/ non-perverted British boys my age on Omegle and they found my Instagram and I'm fangirling because they were amazing! :D

Song of the chapter... Anywhere but Here by Mayday Parade. I just realized how much I love them after I got bored of that band. 

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