Chapter 21: It's not all Sh*ts and Giggles

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I freeze, not expecting Julian's sudden question. It's like he knew what was hidden underneath all my answers.

Why are you so intimate about the Prank War and pranking?

I gulp, not daring to meet Julian's eager eyes, curiosity burning the gray irises. He leans in "Well?" he asks patiently, but I can tell he's dying to know the answer.

I sigh and stare at my hands, which are now the most interesting thing in the world.

"I guess it started when I still lived in Florida. My dad died the summer before seventh grade and he was the only really close person I had. So when he disappeared I grew really depressed. All through seventh and eighth grade I was quiet and sad. I lost a lot of friends because of how I barely talked and grew over emotional. And the few friends that stuck around were upset and depressed, probably because I rubbed off on them. When we finally moved here to escape the loss, I realized how badly my mood affected everyone. When I started the schoolyear here freshmen year I decided i didn't want to bring anyone down anymore. I figured if I made everyone laugh it'd make sure no one felt like I did and still do anymore." I finish. My eyes water but I force myself not to cry. I hadn't cried over him in months now.

Julian looks like he wants to talk but I continue speaking "why I want to win so badly is because I've never had any talents. I'm not smart, I'm not athletic and I'm not some prodigy. I figured that if I won the Prank War I could somehow impress people, impress my dad" I say. a traitorous tear leaks down my cheek 

I let out a heavy sigh. It feels good to get that off my chest but it left the sadness still there. Finally I turn my gaze to Julian. He looks shocked to say the least. "Autumn..." he starts but trails off. I turn away from his surprised face, focusing on the magazine resting on the coffee table.

We sit in awkward silence for a few moments, neither of us daring to talk. After another second the scent of citrus and mint overwhelms as I'm crushed by Julian. I blush slightly and slowly wrap my arms around his broad shoulders, feeling slightly awkward. Yet it seemed that his actions somehow comforted me.

We pull away and he smiles at me, wiping away the tear making its way down my face. I look down.

"I'm sorry about that Autumn, I wouldn't have asked if I knew" he said sorrowfully.

I shrug, trying to act indifferent. Only Kai, Sandy and Vanessa knew about my dad, but they didn't know to what extend his death had impacted me. And I wanted to keep it that way, but some part of Julian made me trust him, like he'd keep my secrets safe.

"It's okay, really" I say, hoping my voice doesn't sound as shaky and high-pitched as I thought it was.

Julian sighs, running a hand through his hair again "You brought me home in your truck, right?" he asks.

I know he's saying this to distract us from the serious conversation and I'm grateful. I was done with being serious years ago. I blush as I recollect what I had to do to get the giant oaf into my car.

"Yeah, why?"

"I was just wondering, we should probably go pick it up from Jack's house. I want to talk to him anyways"

"What about?"

"Secret" he says cryptically and he smiles while I scowl.

I'm nervous about what Jack'll say to Julian and whether he'll bring up that stupid kiss. I needed to disinfect my mouth again, I think his germs were affecting my brain.

I just tilt my head to the side "Well we can go now, I'll drive down to his house" I say and stand up. He follows after me as we march out of his house. When he sees his keys on the table near the door he freezes.

"Weren't these keys in my pocket...?" he trails off.

I blush as I remember the memory. I duck my head, refusing to look at him. He raises an eyebrow "Autumn what'd you do?" he asks.

'Nothing, let's go!" I say in an overly bright voice. I reach for my own keys but Julian grabs my hand and turns me around so I look to him.

"Autumn?" he says seriously.

I sigh, refusing to make eye contact "YouwereasleepanddrunklastnightandIneededthekeystogetintoyourhousesoIgotthemfromyourpocket" I finish without breathing. Once I'm done talking I suck in my breath, my fash bright red. Julian looks confused for a moment as he catches up to my fast talk before he starts laughing. I grimace.

"It's not funny, I just needed the damn keys!" I protest as he guffaws.

His laughter dies down, and I know he's expecting me to storm out like during breakfast "I know, but I can't believe how desperate you were!" he says.

I scowl "You were dead asleep in the cold and I was in a dress, I needed to get inside!" I protest, trying to maintain my dignity.

"You could've just drove down to your own house and gotten blankets"

Oh right, forgot about that.

I redden and he laughs for another minute. Once he settles down he lets me get my keys and I stomp out, him following suit.  I slam my truck door behind me and start the key. I only wait a second for Julian to buckle in before I pull out.


Shorter chapter because the last few where long and I needed a break. I have a general idea where this is going but this is kind of going to just be fillers for a little while until I get into the juicy stuff. It's not going to be a long book, maybe only 40-50 chapters. It is my first book after all. Don't kill me :P

Song of the chapter... the Acoustic version of Starring Role by Marina and the Diamonds. Listening to it right now <333

Early update because I'm leaving early tonight for a party. With old people...


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