Chapter 11: Movie Night

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I'm still in shock as I sit bridal-style in Julian's arms. He smiles down at me and I just gape at him. Alarm passes by his features as Mr. Car shouts out Julian's. name. He turns around to face a very angry looking gym teacher. I snap out of whatever trance I was in at the sight of Mr. Car and suddenly jump out of Julian's arms. 

"Run!" I shout as I grab Julian's hand and tug him out of the gak-covered gym. 

I slide around as I slip through the green gak covering the polished wooden floors of the gym. I knew it'd be a bitch to clean up and we needed to get out as soon as we could.

We're out in the parking lot by the time we stop, having lost Mr. Car a little while back. I let go of Julian's hand which I was holding when I was dragging him out the gym so I can hold the stitches in my side. 

As soon as we both catch our breath we burst out laughing. My boots are covered in green slime and it's splattered across Julian's pants. 

"Oh... my... God! That... was... awesome!" I breath slowly, still panting and laughing.

Julian raises his hand for a high-five, which I return "Best prank ever!" he hollers.

Once we sober up we look around. I notice we're by my truck and I smile as I tug Julian towards it and we hop into the bed of the old truck. 

"I think I was wrong about you, Autumn" Julian states once we settle into the bed, him leaning against the side while I lean against the other side, brushing off the gak from my shoes.

"I was wrong about you too, Julian. That was actually better than my classroom prank" I admit as I let out a small laugh.

Julian chuckles "Yeah, you're pretty fun too. Honestly I thought you were some untrusting bitch who thought of this more as an actual War than a silly game" he says.

I clench my jaw but laugh, trying not to be offended "Yeah, I thought you were some arrogant asshole who thought they could get anything they wanted" I say.

We both laugh and joke around some more in the truck.

"I don't think it's a good idea to go back to school, Mr. Car is probably going to be hunting for us all day" Julian says.

I nod "Yeah, and I really don't like school. I haven't skipped school in a while though" I admit sheepishly.It was true, ever since the Prank War started I hadn't skipped school like I usually did.

Julian nods "I feel that. Too much stuff is happening to miss it as much." he says. Then he sits up straight. "Hey I know! You should come over to my place and we can hang out. Maybe watch a movie and plan a new prank or something" he says excitedly. I can see nervousness underneath his smile and I bite my lip. I knew for some reason it'd crush him if I said no.

"Why not? My mom won't be home until later tonight so she won't mind. I think that's a good idea" I say and blush slightly.

Julian brightens immediately "Awesome! We can go now if you want!" he says and I laugh at his enthusiasm.

"Okay, do you need to go get your car or something? I ask as I sit up.

He shakes his head "Nah, Jack gave me a ride here. I can show you where it is from your car. I-I mean, if that's alright" he says and I laugh.

"Of course, if you want you can drive. I'm not really a good driver anyways" I say as I fish out my keys and toss them to him.

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