Chapter 9: Alliances

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Nothing eventful happened until lunch that day. Julian had ignored me during English (yes, they got the chairs down from the ceiling) and I haven't had any eventful encounters since the morning.

At lunch I grab my tray consisting of a piece of cardboard disguised as pizza and a small salad. Kai and Sandy follow after me to our usual table. As we're about to take our seats, a voice cuts through the usual lunchroom chatter.


I look up in alarm at the voice, seeing Julian smiling at me, beckoning me over to his table. Sandy and Kai send me confused looks and after a moment's hesitation, I grab my tray and make my way to his table with my friends in tow.

I weave through the tables over to where Julian is seated, along with Jack, Vanessa and a few other people I didn't really know. They all smile at me as we approach and Julian pats a seat beside him.

"I saved you guys a seat" he says excitedly.

I send him a weird look. What was with the sudden change of attitude? Before he was against the whole "trust" thing and now he wanted to be my friend? I shrugged, at least he took my words into consideration.

I smile and sit next to him, Sandy and Kai hesitantly taking the remaining two open seats near Vanessa and Jack. 

"Thanks Julian. So I take it you accepted my offer?" I ask politely, nibbling on my bland pizza.

He nods "I think it'll be best. I mean my amazing skills and looks and your.... Okay brain will set us a record. Even if one of us doesn't win the Prank War at least they'll remember you as the girl who helped out the amazing Julian Marc." he says.

I roll my eyes with a laugh "don't be so cocky, Julian. I think I am still winning this war" 

I glance at Sandy and Kai, who are looking at me like I just went insane. I shoot them an 'i'll-tell-you-everything-later' look before turning around to face the group sitting around me. I catch Vanessa's eye as she stares at me and I sigh. I know I'd have to do this to get this 'alliance'

"Look Vanessa, I'm sorry about the whole water trick. I guess I just was jealous that you spent all your time here instead of with us" I say and even add an award-winning smile. 

Vanessa stares at me and my smile slowly falters. After a moment she blinks and smiles "Oh it's perfectly fine Autumn! I'd be like that if it were you!" she said in an overly-peppy voice. Yeah, hanging with Jack the Jock definitely has changed her.

After a couple minutes of chatting animatedly between Vanessa and I, Sandy cuts in.

"So Autumn, I just have one question. What the fuck is going on and why are you suddenly all buddy-buddy with your rival?" She asks and Kai nods as if to agree with her.

I clench my jaw. I knew they were going to ask that question. Instead of snapping, I shrug "I just figured instead of arguing with someone as mischeivous as I am, plan my pranks together with them. Of course you guys will help, but with more people helping we can pull bigger pranks and gain more points." I say and smirk.

Kai nods again this time in understanding "I get that, but I've never heard you apologize. Why now?" he asks.

I notice everyone at the table has been listening to our conversation and bite my tongue from telling Kai everything. "I've apologized to you two before. Besides, Vanessa's always been our best friend, right? And that was kind of mean of me..." I say hesitantly, praying they'll buy my lie.

They nod and I sigh in relief. They avert their attention to Vanessa as they talk as if nothing happened and I smile. Julian notices and pokes me in the shoulder. I jump in surprise and turn around to glare at him.

"What?" I ask moodily.

"Woah, attitude change. I was just surprised, why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" he asks.

I shrug "I guess I want to live my senior year having fun and not focused on one silly rivalry" I state.

"Oh... Well I like this new Autumn. I guess those tampons helped clear your mood" he jokes.

I force a laugh with him but I seethe inside. While we were friends now, him pranking me was still a sore subject. It's not like I rubbed my duct tape prank in his face all the time.

Lunch ends in a flash, consumed by joking around and mini food fights. As I walk down the hall with Jack, Julian and Sandy I can hear the whispers.

"Why is Autumn hanging around with her rival?"

"Did Julian's prank give her brain damage?"

"I bet this is another prank to get back at Julian"

I hold my head high, trying to ignore their hushed whispers. It was as if I didn't hear their unceasing blabber. It seemed Julian notices too because he wrinkles his nose and sends me a covert look. I smirk as I catch his eye and he smiles back at me. Together we walk down the crowded halls and to class.


Short update. I'm writing a brochure because I am DROWNED in projects and hw I saved for the last minute. Whoopsies, don't you love Procastination? I'm too lazy to write about Social Studies so I'm going to write my story. Since I'm in such a procastinating mood (even though it's all due by tomorrow) I may do a double update tonight.

 Jack on the side!

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