Chapter 18: Party Pooper

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I freeze as I stare into the wide gray eyes of Julian. He looks like he's in just as much shock as I am and I can even distinguish a hint of pink hidden under his defined cheeks. This causes my own face to heat up.

"Ooh Autumn and Julian sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Sandy sings while Kai nudges her disapprovingly.

"Come on San, you're like 17 now, stop acting like such a child"
In response Sandy promptly sticks her tongue out at Kai.

"Umm hello aren't we supposed to face a little lips on lips?" Jack interjects, shutting up the two bickering children. And here I thought they were distracted enough for me to make my getaway.

"Right that. Well Julian, you may kiss the virgin" Kai says and spreads his arms. 

I gape at him as Vanessa elbows him, obviously reprimanding him while my face heats up. I glance at Julian who looks like he's in even more shock, if that's possible.

I need to save myself from embarrassment so I suck a deep breath and make my way the two places over where Julian is. Inhaling, I close my eyes and press my lips to Julian's.

Immdiately he responds, deepening the kiss and wrapping his arms around my waist. I scoot closer so I'm practically in his lap as I run my slim hands through his messy brunette hair.
This isn't my first kiss but I sure wish it was because it felt so much more real than any boy I've ever kissed. His soft pink lips tasted of mint mixed with the fresh taste of beer. Even if we weren't dating or anything, it felt magical and caused me to shudder-- sending shivers of delight through me.

Suddenly my thoughts catch up to me and I pause. Julian and I arent even dating. Aren't these kisses supposed to be short and not mean anything? that's the one thought that causes me to break away from Julian's lips.
An odd look flashes his face-- almost, disappointment? it was a meaningless kiss, it'll never mean anything more.

Those thoughts are what repel me away from Julian as I sit next to Sandy again. She nudges me and when I glare at her she wiggles her eyebrows. I sigh.
"Great shows over, let's continue the game" I deman in a snippy voice. This seems to be all it takes to snap everyone back to reality. I sneak a look at Julian, which is a bad choice since he's staring at me with an off expression, one I can't decipher.


The game continues for a few more rounds in which I was fortunate enough to only have to kiss Kai, something I was used to since Sandy always dared me to do so. Thankfully the effects of the kiss have long since disappeared and it seems that with all the beer Julian has been chugging down, that he'll soon forget any of this ever happened. I think it'd be best if both of us pretended this night never happened.

After growing bored of the brainless game we disperse, settling on dancing and mingling with the other partygoers.

I branch off from the rest of my social circle, scurrying out the front door and into the cool night. The moon hangs high in the sky, surrounded by twinkling stars. The cool breeze causes goosebumps to sprout across my arms and for my hair to ruffle slightly.I lean against the railing of the porch, looking out at the moonlit gardens which glimmer from the morning dew.

It's when I feel hot breath on my neck that I realize I'm not alone. When the familiar smell of mint intertwined with beer meets my nose, I realize who it is and I squeeze my eyes shut.

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