Chapter 24: It's not Fat, it's Muscle

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As soon as we re-enter the kitchen, we are greeted by Julian's expectant face. I cross my arms, leaning on the counter.

"What's that face for?" I ask

"What were you guys talking about.

Jack starts "Oh we we-"

"None of your business" I cut in, shooting Jack a sharp look which he returns with a feeble one. Julian catches this look.

"What happened?"

"Nothing!" I say quickly. "Julian, just please drop it" I plead, batting my eyelashes. 

Julian sighs "Fine, but you will end up telling me"

"FIne sure" I wave him off.

"So what'd you guys do once you left if you weren't making out?" Jack says quickly and I narrow my eyes.

"Nothing, Julian decided he'd pass out in my car and being the fatass he is he slept out there 'cause I couldn't move him" I explain.

"I am not a fatass!" Julian interjects as Jack snickers.

I roll my eyes "Mmhmm, sure" I mutter, sounding unconvinced.

"It's not fat, it's muscle" Julian says, dropping his head. I smirk at his expressions.

"Buddy, just admit it. We all know you have no muscle" Jack joins in, slinging an arm around his best friend.

Julian shoves his arm out and glares at him "I think it was me who lifted Autumn up into that vent a week ago. If anyone's the fatty, it's her" he retorts.

I feign an offended look "Oh it's not fat, it's muscle" I say, deepening my voice to sound like Julian.

Julian pouts while Jack and I burst out laughing, high-fiving as we one-up Julian. It takes us a moment before we realize we're not alone.

"What's so funny?" a female voice croaks, sounding hoarse.

I whip my head around to face Sandy in all her Sharpie-covered glory. Jack and I exchange looks before we burst out laughing. Seeing as we can't talk, Julian decides to talk.

"Right now, your face" he answers.

Sandy looks confused "What's wrong with my face?" she asks, bringing both hands to her cheeks.

I cough, recovering from my latest laughing fit "San, look in a mirror" I explain with a smirk.

Sandy gives me an odd look but shrugs. She moves out of the kitchen, presumably to the bathroom. It takes only a few seconds of anticipation before a shrill scream fills the air.

"Who drew a dick on my face!" Sandy exclaims in horror, reappearing in the kitchen with her arms cross, a look of pure horror on her face, mixed with a look that says she's ready to kill somebody.

I shrug "Couldn't be me or Julian, we left last night" I say through my snickers. I stop after catching Sandy's deadly glare. It didn't take a genious to know Sandy was not happy.

She turns to Jack, who also shrugs "I don't know, I barely remember anything" he answers vaguely.

Sandy sighs "Whatever, I'm going to wash this off. I'll be back after I burn my cheek off" she says in defeat and moves back to the bathroom. 

I can hear the water running from the next room over and I wipe a hand down my face, feeling exhausted. "Julian, can we go now? I just want to go home and actually get a good sleep" I say.

Julian;s eyes widen in realization, as if he forgot all about the purpose of our trip. "Right, I forgot! I'll just go get my car. Thanks for jogging my memory, Jack." he says, turning his attention to the blonde boy beside him.

Jack nods and does the bro hug, where they slap each other on the back. I never got what was up with that. Is that like, a manly hug? Could hugs be manly?

"Right, I'll text you later, bro" Jack says when he pulls away "I should probably find Vanessa, God knows what happened to her during the party" he says with a wink.

I sigh "Okay great, bye!" I say, grabbing Julian's arm and towing him out. I call a goodbye to Sandy who's still scrubbing her face. It seemed the house was suffocating and I don't know why. Maybe it was from the odors of the beer mixed with the sweaty, sleeping bodies laying on the floor hazardously. Whatever it was, I just wanted to go home and get some real sleep, even if it was well into the day.

"I guess I'll just drive straight home" I say as we approach Julian's parked car. He nods.

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you Monday, Autumn" he says. I nod and start walking backwards, waving to him.

"Okay, bye!" I call. When he waves goodbye I turn around on my heel and move towards my truck. When I'm in I breath a sigh of relief, sinking into the leather seat. I don't know why I felt so relieved to be away from Julian. Maybe I was spending too much time with him. I pinch my nose, trying to dispell all my thoughts.

I turn the key to start the car and it comes to life with a loud roar. I turn the music up full blast, trying to drown out my thoughts with the loud pop music always on the radio. Pulling out, I make my way home.


Short chapter because surprise surprise, I still have writer's block! I hate it! I spent yesterday writing Pity Party because I was in a sad mood and reading a really dark story and all that jazz. I suck at Chapter Titles.

I know where I want the story to go but I'm having trouble thinking of a bridge for my thoughts. I don't want to make Autumn seem too evil.

Who's your favorite character so far? Just wanna know who I should put more in.

Song of the chapter will be..... Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. I never really listen to them but I love that song.

I kinda killed myself because I was on Creepypasta all last night and I get REALLY freaked out by horror stuff. No joke. I'm terrified of zombies and in Religious Ed. they played Zombies versus Jesus and it wasn't scary, but I screamed as soon as I saw a zombie... Freaky...

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