Chapter 12: Phone Call

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As soon as I enter my house I run upstairs to my room, slamming my door shut. I dig my hand into my pocket and whip out my phone, using speed dial to call Sandy. After the second ring, she picks up.

"Hello, Autumn?" she asks, sounding confused.
"Hey, San. I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

"Oh, ummm no I don't think so. What's up?" she asks.

I sigh "I don't know, I just want to talk to you.

"About what? Oh and why weren't you in school today? I pulled the best prank today and you missed it! Since it's Jamie's birthday I stuffed confetti and balloons in her locker so when she opened it they all popped out on her!" she squeals excitedly.

I laugh into the phone "That's awesome, I wish I could've seen her face. But I was with Julian today" I answer.

I can hear her intake of breath as she gasps "Oh I heard what happened first period, That prank sounded awesome!" she says.

I nod "Yeah it was, until I fell and got chased by Mr. Car" I say in a nostalgic tone, smiling at the recent memory.

She laughs "Yeah I heard Julian had to save your ass after you fell out of the vent" she teases.

I scowl "That's not what happened. Anyways afterwards Julian took me to his house and it is huge.And then he--" I start but I'm automatically Cut off by Sandy.

"Wait, rewind girl. He took you to his house?" She asks in disbelief.

I sigh "Umm yeah, friends hang out at each other's houses all the time, it's no big deal" I explain.

"No big deal? Au, he took you to his house. You two have been friends for like a day and you guys ditched school to go to his house!" She exlaims. I hang my head.

"Sandy we were hiding out so we didn't get in trouble. It's not like we did anything either, we just watched comedies and ate ice cream" I reply nonchalantly.

"Now I don't believe that one bit. One of you likes the other I can tell. Is it you, Autumn?" 

I snort "Me, liking my rival? As if, Sandy. I would never like a cocky bastard like him anyways." I state

Sandy laughs "Say what you want, Au. I'm not your best friend for nothing" 

I sigh "Sandy just let this go. I just wanted to call to ask if you wanted to hang out tomorrow since we haven't done that in a while" I say.

"Yeah because you're too busy with Julian." she says "But I'll be there! Invite Kai and Vanessa!" she calls into the phone before i can reply to her first statement. 

I roll my eyes 'Yeah I'll talk to them. I better go though. See you tomorrow" I call into the phone. After Sandy bids adieu I hang up. After recieving positive answers about tomorrow from both kai and Vanessa, I exit my room and head downstairs.

My feet scuffle against the wooden floorboards of the living room as I make my way to the white couches. Sitting down, I pull a granola bar out of my pocket. I don't know why or when it happened, but I had grown a steady addiction to the chewy bars. The Chocolate Chip Granola Bars seem to be all I ever ate and it seemed Kai and Sandy always loved to tease me about them by stealing them from my lunch.

After settling down in a biege blanket while chewing on my granola bar, I turn my attention to the TV situated on the wall, where reruns of Friends are playing. 

As I'm sitting there my phone buzzes from a text. I fumble through the blanket as I search for it in the couch. After locating it I look down at the screen I smile slightly to myself.

I had fun today. We should skip school more often. -Julian.


Thought I wasn't gonna update today but I did! 

Eh this is kind of a filler chapter, and it's super short because super bowl starts in 10 minutes and I want to see the Broncos crush the Seahawks :P My mom went all out and got buffalo wings, taquitos and onion rings. Actually, that's less than most people have for the Super Bowl... ooops

Well the Song of the chapter is Lies by Marina and the Diamonds. Acoustic verision. I'm listening to it right now for the second part of writing it so yeah.

Picture of Sandy on the side because I love her <3

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