Chapter 7: Watch Out

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Sandy, Kai and I each racked up 30 points for our amazing feat. As predicted, it was all that anybody talked about. Even as we sat at our usual lunch table strangers came and sat with us or tried to start up a conversation. It was quite funny to see how they wanted to be part of our crew. 

"Look at Kai with all the ladies. I think he's enjoying it too much" Sandy comments, leaning over in her seat to talk to me.

I turn to glance over at Kai, not surprised to see the new gaggle of girls surrounding my Asian friend. I roll my eyes as I turn back to Sandy.

"Jealous?" I tease and nudge her playfully.

"As if. I think we're losing him to the slut side" she scoffs and I laugh.

"No need to fear, the almighty Autumn will save the day" I say and we both laugh as I turn in my seat to face Kai.

I tap on his shoulder to gain his attention. When he doesn't respond and continues flirting with the mindless Barbies, I jab his shoulder again. After another futile attempt I punch his back. He lets out a yelp and spins around to face me, ignoring the bottle blondes behind him. He scowls at me.

"For crying out loud, what the hell do you want Autumn?" he snaps.

I do my best to hide my smirk "I just wanted to make sure we were still going out tonight." I say and then lean in a little in a stage-whisper "It might take a while to find the special extra small condoms again" I say.

The girls around Kai catch my words and their eyes widen as their single-celled brains take a moment to process my words. When they recieve the message, Tracy-- the head cheerleader--- coughs awkwardly and smiles oddly  at Kai.

"Hey Kai, I'm sorry but I just remembered we have to help our cheerleading coach with some, er, stuff." she says slowly.

Kai's face falls as they walk away while Sandy and I burst out laughing. Kai's face morphs into anger and he spins around to face the two of us, who do our best to control our laughter.

"Autumn, why'd you do that!" he shouts accusingly.

I stifle my giggles long enough to answer him "Kai come on, bros before hoes, right? Besides, what I said was true I just have horrible timing" I say but my voice cracks at the end as I set into another fit of laugter. Sandy high-fives me for the diss while Kai pouts slightly, sinking into his chair.

After lunch I leisurely walk out of the lunch room, Sandy and Kai at either side of me. They bid me adieu as they move to their own lockers and I approach my own. I twist the lock and swing open the door.

Big Mistake.

As soon as the door is open a flood of items come crashing down on me. I shriek and jump away as the items pool on the floor. I pick one up and instantly I feel like murdering someone as I chuck the tampon to the floor.

I can hear the shouts of laughter as anger rolls off me in tsunami waves. I turn around to see the crowd. In the front are the red faces of Jack and Julian as they double over laughing. 

It didn't take a genius to know who executed this prank. And those two certainly weren't geniuses.

I stomp over to the two and their laughter ceases as they catch my very unsightly face. I cross my arms over my chest and glare at them.

"Can I help you?" Julian asks and I ball up my fists to stop from punching them through Julian's face.

"Umm yeah, I think you can. What the hell, Julian? How did you even get into my locker?" I seethe.

Jack looks down and rocks awkwardly on the balls of his feet. It's then that realization hits me like a train and another wave of anger mixed with betrayal courses through me. I knew the answer to my own question before Julian spoke up for his silent friend.

"Vanessa gave it to us. How sweet of her to give her boyfriend her best-friend's locker combo. Or is it ex-best friend now?" he teases.

I bite my lip to stop a wave of very colorful words from streaming through my mouth.I dig my nails into my hand to stop from slapping the two of them and pulling out Vanessa's hair.

"That bitch! I hope she knows what she got herself into. You too, Julian!" I threaten, causing Julian to burst out laughing again.

"Funny thing, Autumn. I'm ready and I'm the first person to successfully prank you, so I think I've got this. And like you said, Rivers, all is fair in love and war" he said before winking. He smirked as he stalked away, dragging Jack along with him.

I narrow my eyes at his retreating figure before a creepy grin spreads across my face, no doubt confusing the clutter of people still surrounding the mess that is my locker. I really needed to have the janitor clean that up for me. Meanwhile I had some serious planning to do.

Yes, Julian is going to get it. And he'll wish that he never tried to beat me.

Julian Doffrey is going down.


Good thing I'm ahead in writing because I started writing this a few days ago and I couldn't get past one sentence forever. Anyways, here's the new chapter. I'm finally getting into the good stuff for this story so stay tuned!

I'm obsessed with How I Met Your Mother, I've been on a marathon. Can't believe it's ending soon!

Kai on the side!

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