Chapter 34: Serial Killer

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Sunday afternoon rolls over and Sandy is still cooling off in my house. It's not like I wanted her to leave, we both knew it'd be better if Sandy were away from her own house for a little while. So we had taken the opportunity to have a little girl's day.

"Got any 2s?"

"Go fish" 

Suffice to say, our plan of a fun day didn't exactly work out.

We had called up Kai and Vanessa to see if they wanted to hang out, but both had made excuses. Kai was going out with some other friends and Vanessa was spending time with Jack. After only three hours of T.V., food and talking and the two of us had grown bored out of our minds.

"Got any Kings?"

"Nope. Go Fish" Sandy responded in a bored tone.

I scowl "That's the eighth time in a row you said that! You have to have a King by now!" I complain loudly.

Sandy rolls her eyes "Are you accusing me of lying?" She challenged.
I shrug, wrinkling my nose slightly "I wasn't before, but now that you brought it up..."

Sandy scowls and suddenly throws her cards on my bedroom floor, standing up abruptly. "See, I'm not cheating! I have no stupid Kings!" Sandy bellows and I flinch a bit at her sudden mood swing.

"Well thanks for getting my deck everywhere. Another round?" I say and smirk.

"No!" Sandy shouts like a child, crossing her arms.

I roll my eyes "Don't be a baby"

"Don't tell me what to do"

"Sandy..." I say in a warning tone.

"Autumn." Sandy mimicks in the same tone.

I open my mouth to retort but three consecutive knocks at the door cut me off, causing me to snap my mouth shut.

"Ooh a visitor!" Sandy cries happily, her stubborness from five seconds ago fading away instantly, her eyes sparkling as she rushes out my bedroom door.

"Sandy wait! It could be a murderer!" I call after her, tripping down the stairs after my blonde friend.

"Who would waste their time to murder you?" Sandy scoffs and I growl as I grab the back of her shirt to stop her from reaching the door. She lets out a surprised squawk and trips over her feet, stumbling downwards. Still holding onto her shirt, I stumble down after her and land uncomfortably on my side. I groan in discomfort as I bring my slim hand to rub my side. Opening my eyes, I look over to see Sandy is crawling towards the door now only a few feet away.

Narrowing my eyes, I stumble to my feet and push past her, pushing her back down to the floor as I stagger towards my door where the knocks are coming from. Grabbing the door handle, I wing it open.

Julian's eyes widen as soon as he sees me. I know I must look like a mess. My hair is probably coming out of its side braid because of my struggle with Sandy and I'm dressed in a baggy sweatshirt and worn sweatpants. I'm rubbing my side which is still aching from the fall. A small smile slips onto Julian's face, but his eyebrows furrow when his gray eyes slip past me and land on Sandy, still rolling around on the floor and trying to stand up.

"Is it a murderer?" Sandy's voice croaks tauntingly and I roll my eyes.

"I wish. It's Julian" I say in fake annoyance, earning a squawk of protest from the boy in front of me.

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