Chapter 36: The Date Part 1

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Friday came pitifully slow. I had spent all Thursday anticipating what Julian had planned for tomorrow. It had come to the point that when my strict math teacher, Ms. Callahough, called on me, I totally blanked.

"Miss Rivers, what is the answer to question four?" She had asked.

"Julian" I had muttered more to myself than the class.

Safe to say, that earned me a detention and a few laughs and  odd looks.

But now it is finally Friday and, unable to sleep from the overbearing excitement, I had gotten up at the time school started even though I was taking the day off.

But it's not until two hours after I've gotten up, choked down something to eat and gotten dressed that someone knocked on the door. I stumble off the couch, shutting off the tv in the process as I stumble to the door, flinging it open.

"Hey Autumn" Julian greets happily. Dimples form next to his cheeks as he smiles at me and I find myself returning the smile. Hearing his voice makes my heart race and I immediately throw my arm around him, burying my head in his shirt and inhaling the familiar scent..

'i missed you" I mutter weakly.

His laugh reverberates through his chest, slightly jostling my hair "I can tell" he says jokingly and I wrap my arms tighter in response.

"Well while I'd love to sit here and hug you all day, not being sarcastic, but I did take time to plan a very special date for a very special girl" he says and at his words I hop away from him, remembering his purpose here.

"Do I get any hints as to where we're going?" I ask with my chin jutted out in a stubborn manner.

Julian laughs again "Nope, you'll just have to be patient" H esays and I narrow my eyes.

"So much for girlfriend benefits" I mutter to myself as I follow him to his car. He immediately opens the passenger door for me and I smile, cheeks tinted pink at the kind gesture.

"And to think chivalry was dead," I said with a shake of my head as I slid into the seat and buckled up. Julian closed the door behind me and walked around his car and got into the passenger side, starting the engine. He backed out of the driveway as I leaned my head against the window and stared at the scenery, looking for a clue as to where we were headed. After about a minute of silent driving, I felt a warmth in my hand resting by my side facing Julian. Startled, I looked over to see he had extended his free hand and was holding it in mine. What was even more surprising was the small tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Julian Doffrey, are you blushing?" I say teasingly, squeezing his hand teasingly.

His eyes widened but he didn't remove them from the road "What? I... no!" He said, removing his hand to cover his cheeks. I smirked and reached my hand over to grab his again. Finally he shifted his eyes over to glance at me for a second. I gave him a small smile.

"I think it's cute" I say as I hold his hand over the middle part of the car. This only causes him to turn more red and I laughed lightly at his embarrassment. Thinking anything about Julian could be cute sorta suprised me, but it was true nonetheless, he did look adorable.

Julian taking a right turn and jostling me slightly was what pulled me away from my strange thoughts, causing me to blush slightly. I glanced out the window as we pulled into the cinema parking lot. I turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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