Chapter 19: House Hunt

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After successfully pulling Julian to my car and setting him up in the bed of my truck (so he wouldn't kill us both in the front), we were on our way to Julian's house. I remembered the address of the house so after a moment of entering the coordinates into my GPS we were on the road. Since Jack and Julian lived closeby, it wasn't a very long drive.

After shutting off my truck and pocketing the keys, I exit my car and make my way around to the bed where Julian is. I climb in to help him out but my eyes widen in surprise at the sight of him. He's curled up in the bed of my car, due to both the cold and the fact he can't fit spread out. His usual messy brown hair is falling into his eyes and ruffled. His eyelids are closed and he's emitting nasaly snores.

Sighing I climb in all the way so I'm crouching next to him. I prod his shoulder "Julian, get up". No response. I prod him again, this time more forcefully "Julian we're here, get your lazy ass out of my truck" 

He stirs slightly, groaning in protest. I sigh and lean against the side of my truck. I know that I can't possible drag this elephant of a man into his house and I can't leave him in the bed of my car. There's no way I'm getting him inside though.

"Julian come on, please?" I try, shoving him lightly.

His gray eyes partly open and he yawns, almost smacking me in the face when he stretches his arms "Don't wanna" he protests lazily. I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"Julian you'll freeze out here if you stay and where the hell am I going to sleep?" I ask, hoping that it'll get him up.

"There's blankets inside, get some. You can sleep inside or something" he moans, his voice barely audible in his half sleeping state.  In a second his loud snores are heard again and I know he's useless.

Sighing I crawl out of the bed of the car. Making my way up to the front door, I twist the handle only to realize it's locked. I groan and check under the mat, no such luck. The only place I would find a key is with Julian, but he's asleep.

An idea crosses my mind, causing me to shudder as I shove the idea back. There's no way I'm doing that! But how else would I get in... But if he found out the teasing would be endless!

Sighing, I move back down to the truck, where Julian is still sound asleep. Climbing back into the truck, I aproach the peaceful-looking Julian. Sucking in my breath, I bring out my shaking hand to the front pocket of his jeans. Blushing red, my hand slips inside the pocket and I dig around. I feel a cool metal object in between my fingers and breathe out a sigh of relief as I yank my hand out of his pants, pulling along the key with me. 

Glancing at his face, I realize he isn't awake and my plan was successful.

Now that wasn't so bad, was it Autumn? 

Smiling, I sprint to the entrance, wanting to get inside the house as soon as possible. Unlocking the door, I wrench open the gateway to warmth and all things great. 

The house is exactly as I remember as I step in. The familiar scent wraps around me, as does the warmth. I embrace the warmth and practically laugh in glee. Looking around the house my smile fades as realization hits me.

I have no idea where anything is.

Sure I vaguely remember where the living room and kitchen are from the only time I was at his house, but I didn't know where the blankets were. Or even his own room. I figured I'd need to borrow some clothes since I am not sleeping in a tight, exposing black dress.

I turn on the lights and pad towards the living room. Blankets were in living rooms, right? It'd be impossible to find such things in a giant house such as Julian's.

The living room is exactly as I remember, with the cream couches and the giant TV with the surround sound system. Even the coffee table is exactly in the same place. Well, it's not like they'd completely redecorate in the one week since I was last here. But I kind of expected that from rich people.

Expelling my thoughts I navigate around the room, trying to find the warm blankets before Julian got frostbite. Rifling through a basket in the corner, I encounter a handful of warm blankets. Figuring four of the furry items are enough, I fold them up neatly and drop them by the door. Then I turn around and go back to the staircase I saw earlier.

Rushing up the large wooden stairs I'm panting by the time my high heels touch the top. I look around the hallway I'm in, my heels clacking behind me as I shuffle down, looking into the doorways for a specific room. I push open the last door on the floor and I know I hit jackpot.

Turning on the light, I face a navy blue room taped with both posters of sports and images of half-dressed, busty women. Wrinkling my nose I avert my eyes, looking around the room. A king-sized bed with blue comforters is nestled in the corner and a large closet is attached to the wall. Another door leads to what I believe is an en suite. A TV rests on a wooden table and a desk with a laptop is facing a window with black curtains.

I feel like I'm invading Julian's privacy but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if he realizes that he was too drunk to help me out himself. 

Convinced, I move further into the room and towards the closet. After shifting through the messy piles of boxers, jeans, t-shirts and girls clothes (don't ask me), I settle on a pair of large sweatpants and a sweatshirt buried in the piles of clothes. After slipping out of my heels and suffocating dress, I pull on the incredibly large clothing, having to roll up the pants and tie the drawstrings extra tight. Putting on socks and splashing off my smudged makeup, I deem myself cozy enough and make my way back outside.

Locking the door behind me and pocketing the key, I grab the blankets and move to the truck. To my luck, Julian is still curled up and sound asleep as I climb in, lugging in the blankets with me. I spread two blankets over his large body before laying down on the other side of the bed, wrapping two blankets around myself in a coccoon. As much as I was tempted to sleep in a room in his house, I didn't want to leave Julian outside all alone at night-- no matter how much he annoyed me.

Sighing, I wrap the blankets tighter around myself as a cool breeze hits my face, causing me to shiver. Closing my eyes, I relax my body and let sleep overcome my body. I doubted I'd be able to sleep much tonight anyways.


Wrote this yesterday but I wanted to get ahead of schedule so I had time to update NGFL while following my daily Prank War schedule since I've been off lately. I get break next week so I'll be able to update A LOT! Anyways, Julian on the side. Drunk Julian is so stubborn :P

 Trying to find a good actor for Autumn and Julian. Right now I have Shailene Woodley and Chase Crawford. I think Irina Shayk is also a good Autumn but I don't know..

Song of the chapter will be.... Enchanted by Taylor Swift. I suck at picking songs. 

Peace and Granola Bars,

Lana xoxo

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