Chapter 23: The Threat

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"Autumn, what's wrong?" Julian's voice shakes my out of my coughing fit, my initial reaction when I caugth sight of the 5 cursed words scrawled on the passed out body of Jack.  A second after his words meet my ears and I catch a whiff of mint and citrus, signifying that Julian's right behind me. I don't fail to catch the laugh he quickly stifles behind a large hand.

I elbow him "It's not that funny" I say and turn away from Jack and towards Julian.

His eyes glisten with amusement as he removes his hand from his mouth "If you know Jack like I do, you'd be crying from laughter right now" he says.

I raise an eyebrow "What is that supposed to me--- what are you doing?" I cut myself off as Julian reaches his arms out and over the tub. He puts his hand over Jack's mouth and uses the other hand to punch his gut. Jack's cry of pain is muffled by Julian's hand as his eyes shoot open and he bolts upright.

"Bro, what the fuck was that for?" Jack swears and I smile in amusement. 

Julian shrugs "You needed to wake up" he says nonchalantly.

"Yeah but why'd you punch me?" 

"Because it's funnier"

Julian and I laugh as Jack glares at the two of us. His look softens though when Julian hands Jack an Advil. It was obvious just by the purple bruises under his eyes that he is hungover. While Jack greedily gulps down a glass of water, I excuse myself to get a drink from the kitchen.

Finally out of the closed space with two boys, I let out a deep breath, breathing heavily. Being around two hormonal teenage boys was suffocating. it was like two Kai had given birth to two people exactly like him. I shuddered at that thought. That image would scar me for life. Thanks, brain.c


I lean aginst the cool metal of the refrigerator, sipping the water I had just poured into an extra cup. The cool liquid soothes my hoarse throat and I sigh in content. 

"Autumn!" a voice calls out and I jump, choking on the water. I drop the cup and hack, my eyes watering.

"Au-woah are you okay?" Jack's voice meets my ears as I cough and splutter. Finally the burning feeling subsided and I wiped away the tears from my eyes from my lack of oxygen. When I erected myself, I looked into the laughing faces of Jack and Julian.

"Not  funny!" I protest in anger.

"you're choking, it's hilarious"

"Yes, me potentially dying is hilarious"

"See, you understand what I'm talking about"

"You guys are assholes" I retort and narrow my eyes at them. I look down at the spilled water on the floor and smirk. Payback for laughing at me.

I really am a child, aren't I?

"I can't believe you took me home Autumn! Jack was telling me how amazing the party was!" Julian says, pouting slightly.

I shrug "Sorry for caring about whether you'll get hurt drunk driving" I retort.

Julian rolls his eyes "You're too careful, Autumn. You gotta live a little"

I cross my arms over my chest "Seriously Julian, need to live a little? I'm the one who climbed into an air vent for you and nearly died!" I say.

"Meow" Jack says in a catty voice and I glare at him, shutting him up.

"Alright, alright, you win." Julian states, holding his hands open in surrender.

I smile and flick Julian's forehead "Of course I do" I state proudly.

"Hey!" Julian protests loudly and I smirk.

"I can't believe I just noticed this, but are you wearing a guy's clothes, Autumn?" Jack's voice interrupts our bickering and my face automatically heats up.

"Yeah I let her borrow some because she said the dress was uncomfortable" Julian states. I look down as Jack laughs.

"Woah that kiss must ha-" 

"Jack" I say, cutting him off as my face heats up.

"Yeah?" Jack looks confused as he turns to me, his mouth still open slightly.

"can I speak to you... alone" I state, glancing at Julian.

"Wait, what kiss?" Julian says, his thoughts obviously must've caught up to him as his brow furrows.

Comprehension dawns on Jack's face and he nods "Uh, yeah sure" he says slyly. 

I grab his hand and tug him out of the kitchen. I twist around to peek at Julian and notice he's still rooted to his spot, his face contorted in confusion. Relief floods through me, at least he doesn't remember that embarrassing kiss.

As we round the corner so we're away from the kitchen, I face Jack and cross my arms.

"What's wrong, Rivers?" Jack asks me but a knowing smirk is on his face.

"Don't talk about that kiss!" I order, my eyes narrowed.

"Why not? It was just Spin the Bottle" he says teasingly.

I slap his arm "Yeah but he doesn't remember it and I want to keep it that way" I state sternly.

"Oooh, why? Is it because you like him or something?" he asks and my face heats up as I cough on air.

Me, liking Julian? My biggest rival in the Prank War? Sandy had insinuated the same thing but no way in hell would I find myself liking that poor excuse of a human! He was cocky, arrogant and cruel. I paused in my thinking. But through our friendship he was fun, nice and loyal. I sucked in a breath. No, there was no way I'd like Julian Doffrey.

"No!" i say quickly, "I'm embarrassed. And if Julian found out, the teasing would be endless. Dealing with you is too much already" I say, thinking of an excuse.

"Yeah, that'd be annoyin. I guess I won't tell him" he says with a smirk on his face.

I grab the front of the shirt and pull him close so I'm staring into his green eyes "You better not, Evers, or I will shave your head in your sleep" I threaten darkly. His eyes widen considerably and I smirk as I push him away.

Who said Autumn Rivers couldn't be scary?


This took SOOOO long to get out! I never proofread so it may be bad, but just bare with me as I get over my writer's block.

I was in a bad mood today so I spent today reading dark poems and started writing out/ planning Pity Party for when I decide to write it. I really want to write Midnight Melodies though. If you don't know what that is, look at Chapter 2 in Waste Basket.

This took a few days but I tried to get over my block by writing the climax of this story. I'm tempted to just tell you guys what happens but I'm not that evil :P 

Song of the chapter is Hypocrates by marina and the Diamonds. 

Onion rings are delicious

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