Chapter 25: Ignorance

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Monday came and passed in a blur. For a reason I couldn't fathom I had done my best to ignore Julian, setting my distance from him. I didn't look or speak to him during English and at lunch I sat at the opposite end of the table rather than my usual seat beside him. I could tell the rest of my friends were baffled by my strange behavior moreso than I was. When Julian did talk to me, I had given him short and brief remarks until he gave up talking to me. I hated hurting his feelings but I was afraid to talk to him. That was the most confusing thing, I had no idea why I was doing this.

Tuesday morning came and I'm running late because I had overslept. Shouldering my backpack, I rush out of my truck and into the school. For a late autumn day, it was surprisingly nice out. Usually here we got snow by this time of the year.

As I rush to my locker, I find a familiar muscular figure leaning casual against it and my breath hitches. Julian is looking bored with his arms crossed over his tight fitting black tee and faded jeans. I look down as he catches me gaze, hoping that when I look back up he'll disappear. Hah, no such luck.

As I approach he stands up straight so he's no longer leaning against my locker. Unfortunately for me, his massive body is still blocking my locker and I need to get my books before I get detention for being late. Not that I minded detention, it was just obnoxious having to stay an extra hour after school when I could actually be doing something with my life.

"E-excuse me, Julian" I mutter as I try to wedge my way in between him and my locker, but he doesn't budge.

"Is that all you have to say to me?" his minty breath is fanning my face and I inhale sharply, snapping my gaze to his. His gray eyes are smoldering as he narrows them at me.

"W-what do you want me to say?" I snap back. I really was tired of this conversation already.

"Come on Autumn, why are you ignoring me?" he groans and I sigh, slumping my shoulders.

"I'm not ignoring you, now please move so I can get my shit from my locker" I say. I push past him and this time he moves so I can open my locker, but he's still standing expectantly near me.

"I think I know when you're ignoring me. What's up, Autumn? Did I do something wrong?" he says.

I run a hand down my face as I shove my backpack into my locker and grab my binder "I don't know what's up Julian, I'm sorry" I say, whirling around to face him. My breath catches as I become aware of our proximity. He's so close our noses are almost touching.

"You gotta give me more than that, Autumn."

"What more do you want?"

"An explanation, maybe?"

I narrow my eyes "I told you, I don't know" I emphasize, sounding meaner than I want to.

"You don't just ignore someone for no reason" Julian presses.

I pinch the bridge of my nose "Well I can. Okay, I gotta get to English, I'm running late" I say as the final bell rings in the air, signaling class is starting. Pushing past Julian, I make my way down the hall into the English room, heaving a heavy sigh. 

Today was going to be torture.


Keeping true to my own words, today was torture. During English, Julian kept looking at me, trying to catch my gaze. I was lucky in avoiding him until lunch though, rushing out of classes and avoiding Julian in the hallways. I even barely spoke to Jack in my classes.

I know I'm being cruel, but I couldn't help it. I wish I could comfort Julian and talk to him, but some part of me was prohibiting myself from doing just that.

I'm at my locker and it's finally lunchtime. I know Julian's going to try to get me to speak again, no matter what I do. Closing my locker, I glance around making sure no certain gray-eyed boy is around. Once I was sure the coast is clear, I jog out the door and into the parking lot. Students were allowed to leave for lunch in our school so it wasn't that suspicious that I was bolting fast for the comfort of my truck.

I've never felt happier for a warm winter day on any other occasion other than today. Because the sun is shining and it's over 50 degrees, I can eat comfortably in the bed of my truck. I spread my legs out as I lean against the railing, chewing thoughtfully on my granola bar.

That is, until I catch a figure moving towards me from the school building.

At first my heart leaps into my throat. Couldn't people just leave me the hell alone? I was tired of constantly being pestered! But my breathing relaxes when I realize the feminine figure can't possible be of the person I least want to see.

Vanessa moves toward me at a brisk pace, her long raven hair swishing back and forth as she shuffles over. I smile weakly at her as she gets closer, but she doesn't return the friendly gesture.

As soon as she hops into the bed of my truck I know I'm in deep shit.

"I think you have some explaining to do"



Just wrote this after I got back from my friends house (I love hats now). I know last chapter was a big filler but this one and the next will have wayyy more plot. I'm actually kinda excited. Plus i got over my writer's block! May double update today if I finish Chapter 26 in time, But I want to take it slow in case I get writers block again.

I never proofread.

I'm writing this on my desktop because my charger broke for my laptop so it's slower and worse. Don't judge.

Song of the chapter... Ignorance by Paramore. Fitting and I love that band. Well before they turned to pop.

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