Chapter 29: Bubble Trouble

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The next day I'm leaning casually against my truck two hours before school starts. My arms are crossed over my chest as I scan over the empty parking lot. A light fog caresses the area, shrouding the area around me. The sun has barely risen and a cold wintry breeze causes goosebumps to light up the littl skin exposed. I'm dressed comfortably in light jeans and a gray sweatshirt, with my hair tied in my signature side braid. 

I'm tapping my fingers against my elbow in a slow beat when a car finally pulls into the space next to my car.Even through the tinted windows, I can recognize the perfect face of Julian. 

He takes his time getting out of his car and moving over to where I am waiting for him. My eyes are trained on his as he moves closer. "You're late" I say a bit harshly.

He grins sheepishly "Sorry, angel" he says and I almost melt at his words. He kisses me swiftly before moving away and peering into the bed of my truck.

"I see you got the supplies" he says and I smile.

"You think I'd forget?" I say as I toss a few rolls of bubble wrap to Julian. "We have a lot of work to do"


Before I know it the bell is ringing, signaling that school has started and the high schoolers will start pouring in any second. I look to Julian, who smirks at me. Grabbing the now empty rolls of bubble wrap, I toss them into the trash can. We're both rushing as we lock the door behind Room 216. Stealthily we rush down the hallway before anyone can catch sight of us.

We move through the steady stream of high schoolers who all gaze at us curiously as we run to my locker. As soon as we reach it, we both bend over to catch our breathes.

When I look up after my breathing returns to normal, I can see Julian grinning at me. I raise a quizzical eyebrow.

"Nice job, Rivers" is all he says and I smile in triumph.

"I kinda feel bad for Mrs. Lilliat though. She always gets pranked" I say with a crooked smirk.

Mrs. Lilliat has always been the nicest teacher at WHHS. Because of this, she didn't really mind how she was the constant target for all the pranks pulled on her. The people who did pull pranks on her though, never intend to hurt her and aimed more to pull pranks on the students in her class or on the classroom itself.

"I think she'll get a kick out of her new decor" he says as we both burst out laughing. We grab out stuff from each others lockers and make our way back to Room 216, Mrs. Lilliat's room and our first period class.

The first sign of our success is the horde of kids surrounding the wooden doorway. The whispering becomes evident as soon as they catch sight of Julian and I strolling over to the classroom. They all send us proud smiles and as we grow near, they raise their hands for a high five.

We push past the crowd together, moving into the classroom. As soon as we walk in, we hear a distinct pop.

Smirking, I move in more, followed by more miniscule noises.

pop pop pop pop

I turn to Mrs. Lilliat's shocked face as she takes in her redecorated classroom. More tiny little pops follow as I stand next to her, Julian right at my side. I smirk at her shock.

The classroom is decked head to toe in bubblewrap. The chairs, walls, floors, desks and even ceiling are covered in the substance. Julian and I send each other victorious smirks, knowing our mission is accomplished.

Mrs. Lilliat finally seems to notice our prescence. She turns her head to us, her hazel eyes locking on Julian and I. Mrs. Lilliat is one of the youngest teahcers. She got married when she was just 20 and she still manages to look like that with her long blonde hair cascading down her back. Her mouth turns upside down as she takes us in.

"Did you two do this?" she asks in an accusatory voice.

Julian scoffs "Us? How could we do something as despicable as this" he says, gesturing around the room. The snickers from the hallway are heard through Julian's explicit lie.

"Hmm, well you two are the trouble makers. I'll just have tha janitors clean this up third period when I don't have a class" she says, more to herself. Julian shoots me a sly wink adn I smirk.

"Well I guess since everything is unusable, you guys can have a free period" Mrs. Lilliat says in defeat. Everyone hollers in victory and my smile grows wider as chatter immediately fills up the room.

"But everyone not in this class has to leave!" she adds. A few disappointed sighs are heard as most of the herd of classmates leave and the rest of the people enter the classroom, the popping of bubblewrap trailing behind them.

Julian leads me to the corner of the classroom and we sit down in the mass of bubblewrap. The students in class are causing total mayhem, popping the bubbles and running around the classroom. Some people, like us, are just sitting on the floors or desks and talking absent-mindedly.

"I remember last time we had a free period like this was when you duct taped the entire room upside down" Julian says, a thoughtful look coming across his face.

I reminisce fondly with him. It was only a few weeks ago we were rivals in this game, and look at us now. Partners and dating, wow. I smile and nudge him with my shoulder "You gave me the idea to do it" I say and he smirks.

"I am kind of a genius, aren't I?" he says arrogantly and I roll my eyes.

"try not to get too cocky" I say and he sticks his tongue out at me.

"Geez guys, get a room" Another male voice cuts through our bickering and I snap my had up to face the smirking face of Kai. I scowl at him as Sandy enters behind him. They proceed to sit across from me and Julian, staring at us.

"Nice prank" Sandy comments casually, her eyes raking over the walls concealed in wrappings of bubblewrap.

I shrug "Thanks, it was Julian's idea, I just got the bubblewrap" I say and Julian smiles proudly.

"Yeah, I am kinda a genius" he says and I punch his arm.

"Try not to be too pompous" I say and he narrows his eyes at me. He opens his mouth to retort but Kai coughs and cuts him off. We both turn to him.

"I feel like a third wheel" Kai comments honestly and I roll my eyes.

"Dude, what about me!" Sandy cries.

"You don't count, you're always invisible"

"I think not..." Sandy retorts but I zone out of their incessant bickering as I turn to Julian. He smiles cheekily at me and I return the look, heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Nice job, Rivers" he whispers into my ear and I smile.

"Same to you, Doffrey" I say.

"Again?" Kai and Sandy say in unison as they look at us and I roll my eyes. 


Another long-ish chapter. I needed to put in a big prank since I haven't had one in a really long time. I was kinda going away from the plot but more pranks on the way! I'm really excited for the next chapters, I have it all planned out!

Song of the Chapter... Prove You Wrong by He is We. I'll put Live Acoustic version because it's wayyyyy better than the regular. 

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