Chapter 2: Water Bucket

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By the time lunch time rolls around my "rivalry" with Julian is the talk of the school, to be expected in a small school like West Hill High. I sit in my usual spot in the lunchroom, nestled in a chair between my long time best friends Kai and Sandy. But one person is missing...

"I can't believe she ditched us again!" Sandy exclaims in disbelief.

We all sit looking at the jock table, where a familiar black-haired girl is sitting practically on top of Jack Evers, a jock and the only friend that isn't just a slave for Julian Doffrey.

"She's ditched us every day since that dumbass Jack asked her out. Some friend she is" Kai grumbles moodily.

I smirk at their expressions "I guess we should give Vanessa a late congratulations gift for dating Jack" I say cryptically. Two different heads turn in my direction. Soon understanding dawns on their faces as they receive my message. It wasn’t that hard to figure out anyways.

Vanessa Long was what made our group complete. Her, Sandy and Kai were always the three musketeers, until I waltzed into the picture freshmen year. Vanessa had the potential to be more as soon as puberty struck and she came back to school looking flawless with her long black hair, deep green eyes and flawless pale skin. She always insisted she'd never leave us behind, but I was beginning to have my doubts.

I left the lunch room early, promising to talk to my friends later as I began my scheme.

Ten minutes later the bell sounded and the students lazily file out of the lunch room. I sit inside the social studies classroom right beside the door, hidden from view. Even through Vanessa's sudden shot of popularity, I knew she was still a nerd at heart and was always the first one to enter the classroom...

The door is pushed open and I can hear the scuffle of footsteps. I flinch at the sound of a loud scream.

I turn my head to see the floor dripping wet, soaking my gray converses. A metal bucket lies on its side and cowering above it is a dripping Vanessa.

I smirk as she drops her sodden books, water dripping from her drenched hair. Even though she looks like a dog that's been hosed, she still manages to pull it off. Her eyes turn to me in accusation. They're a mix of embarrassment, anger and betrayal when they land on my smiling face.

"You!" Vanessa accuses as a small crowd forms outside the door.

I nod my head "Me" I drawl slowly.

Vanessa looks absolutely horrified and before anymore of her pride washes away she turns on her heel and rushes out to the nearest bathroom, pushing past the curious onlookers.

"And that's why you don't piss of the pranking prodigy!" I call after her as a student picks up the bucket, revealing the initials AR scrawled on the side.


Autumn Rivers is on the side :)

A new chapter already! I had this written last night but I wanted to edit it on my laptop before posting. The good thing about short chapters is there's frequent updates. Thinking of a double update but I have another idea....

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