Chapter 14: Fried Oreos

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Monday came around faster than I anticipated. Although I had little time to brace myself, I was ready.

My heart thudded in my chest as I approach the familiar building that repesented West Hill High School. I gulp, clenching my fists as I pull open the front doors to the school. A few people gaze at me in hatred, obviously victims of my most recent prank. The others looked at me in admiration and awe. I smirked as the whispers started.

Breathe, in and out Autumn I thought to myself as my shoes scuffed the floor lightly. I try my best to smile and look like my confident usual self, but for some reason I am failing.

I quickly grab my books and the container resting inside my bag. Smirking, I make my way to English.

Time for a comeback.

I sit in my usual seat in the back with Kai and Sandy. They smile at me.

"What's in the container?" Kai asks, eyeing it suspiciously.

I shrug "Just some treats. It's my birthday today" I say

Kai seems confused "Oh but it's no-" he stats but Sandy jabs him, interrupting his words.

"Oh happy birthday! I think Kai just forgot" she says forcefully, shooting Kai a look.

Kai rubs the back of his neck and laughs awkwardly, a faint hint of pink tinging his tanned skin. I smile at his cluelessness.

The usually empty seat in front of me is suddenly occupied by a small of pale skin and a head of light brown shaggy hair. My breath hitches as a pair of familiar blue eyes meet mine.

"Sup Autumn. You don't mind if I sit here do you?" he asks inoccently. I smile.

"Of course not, go ahead. Just don't block my view of Mrs. Lilliat, her hair is so poofy she doesn't even notice the spitballs" I say.

Julian laughs and we all join in. The bell cuts off our laughter and Mrs. Lilliat excitedly claps her hands together.

As she starts explaining the lesson, I zone out as usual. I never really cared for school. I know I should be trying to get into all the great colleges and all that shit, but quite frankly I couldn't care less. I mean, winning the Prank War must be good enough for college applications, right?

Suddenly Sandy's hand shot up "Yes, Miss Conte?" Mrs. Lilliat asks, heaving a sigh.

Sandy smirks at me "I just wanted to point out that it's Autumn's birthday today and she brought a special present" Sandy calls boldly.

Mrs. Lilliat looks taken aback 'Oh really, I'm sorry Miss Rivers I had no idea. Do you want to give out this present?" she asks, eyeing the container on my desk just like Kai did moments before.

I nod "I would. They're fried Oreos" I state proudly. Instantly the tired classmates jolt up, as if hearing the word was an electric shock.

I get up from my seat as I take out the cap. "Don't eat until everyone gets one! And sing Happy birthday first!" Mrs. Lilliat reminds as I take a gooey Oreo out of the container and hand them out, careful not to get the melted goo in the middle from escaping the sandwiched snack.

As I neared the back I passed Julian. He gave me a curious look and I wink, giving him an Oreo that wasn't oozing with white. I did the same for Sandy and Kai and put away the extras.

After a round of Happy Birthday, everyone bit into their Oreos hungrily. I smirk as I biet into mine, savoring the vanilla and chocolate taste of the Oreo.

Sam was the first to yelp. He jumped out of his seat, the white paste dripping down his chin. Mrs. Lilliat sends him a confused look before Jane yells as well in obvious surprise.

"What's wrong?" she asks as everyone coughs and splutters, choking out their "fried Oreos."

"These Oreos are minty!" a voice accuses. A smug look crosses my features as I try to hide my victorious look.

"Mine tastes fine" Julian comments in a bored tone, but amusement hinted at his words.

Sandy and Kai turned to me and we stared at each other. Sandy was the first one to laugh as she broke down into hysterics.

"Autumn Rivers! What did you do to these Oreos?" Mrs. Lilliat's voice booms through the class.

A look of faux shock crosses my face "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I must've accidentally replaced the filling with toothpaste. I don't know how that happened...." I trail off thoughtfully.

Kai stifles a laugh and a few people smile despite the fact that they had been pranked. I shrug it off as a few people send me accusatory glares.

"Hey, don't complain. Some of you guys really need it" Julian sneers as the four of us chuckle at their expense. 

I bit down into my creamy Oreo, enjoying the taste of revenge.


Quick chapter! I may miss a few days because I'm writing a project for school, so I have to write The Wall by the end of February. And since I just started it I don't know if that's possible, especially while writing this story, Eh...

Song of the Chapter is Starring Role by Marina and the Diamonds. 

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